
Taking a break from happiness at the UK result to get mad about the US, but honestly, this is utter and complete destructive insanity. Thinking another candidate has a better shot is one thing. Threatening to blow everything up unless you get your way is another.
Disney heir joins other Democrat backers to pause donations until Joe Biden steps Abigail Disney says choice to suspend donations is based on ‘realism, not disrespect’, and suggests Kamala Harris as an alternative
Claiming you see Trump as an existential threat while sabotaging the campaign to defeat him is just astonishing levels brazen dishonesty and disgrace. You fucking cretins.
Also any replacement now has the albatross “choice of millionaires” hanging on their necks
It's just such a horrific paternalistic vibe and I can't believe they don't see it. "Oh, we're actually sabotaging and wrecking your campaign to *help* you really, trust us!"
What part of "The candidate who openly admits he's sundowning can't win" isn't clear here? This is someone so impaired that he thought he could just tell the Democratic Governors that he's going to stop doing nighttime events, to handle the accusation that he can't do nighttime events.
Once you accept that he is actually impaired, everyone's behavior makes sense. Those people are acting that way because they see him closer up and they know it's not a "media ratfuck." They know what would have happened if it were not true, and that those things did not happen.
This is the DNC's fault for having sham primaries cycle after cycle after cycle. Democrats are tired of not having any real voice and then being told they have to compromise to stop fascism.
Aside from anything else, what does this have to do with billionaire donors? Pretty sure they've had a voice, far too much of one in fact.
Don't worry, it's coming anyway 🤣