Katherine ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ“š

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Katherine ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ“š


B.S. in Music Education from University of North Texas

Denton, TX - โœ๏ธ - urbanist - environmentalist - classical & jazz trombone
More guitarists need to realize that this sort of value is only made possible through extreme economic exploitation. There's a reason guitars at this price point are exclusively made in countries with weak/unenforced labor laws.
I just realized that thereโ€™s a generation of academics whoโ€™ve long had to hear โ€œwell, we didnโ€™t have Google!โ€ from older scholars and will now have to hear it from younger ones too.
Christ, Google is all but useless now. It was never that great for deep dive or niche research to begin with, but you could at least find some reliable information if you had the patience & research skills. Now? Pfft. Forget it. I just spent an hour searching a specific term to find nothing useful.
It's that time of year again when we're reminded that climate breakdown is going to coincide with us telling each other "that's nothing" or "that sounds like a them problem." Maybe we deserve this.
Does the consulting industry contribute anything of value to society?
UNC Asheville is going to close its drama, philosophy, religious studies, French, and German depts because financial consultants recommend this. These consultants only count the number of majors, not the number who take and are influenced by courses from depts other than their major. Shame!
Does anyone actually willingly use DropBox? It seems like something someone would come up with if asked to make a needlessly bad user experience for a mundane task.
this dude hates the third amendment
I started playing Pokรฉmon Go recently. An underrated perk of living in a dense multifamily area is that my bed sits perfectly in between three Pokรฉstops.
I have an important announcement to share: I got to boop a squirrel. That is all.
My education hot take of the week is that teachers should be modeling an adamant rejection of generative AI, not an uncritical adoption and dependence on it. We need to show that thinking and creating for ourselves is not only still possible, but truly liberating in the new digital age. #eduSky
This was an interesting read that's only become more relevant since its publication in 2017. The push to implement technology into our instruction is often touted as a virtue in its own right, regardless of whether or not it's necessary or even beneficial to students' learning.
The Rise of Educational Technology as a Sociocultural and Ideological Phenomenoner.educause.edu The push for educational technology exists within a broader political, economic, ideological, and technological context. The all-too-common ignorance
Microplastics are (finally) gaining mainstream attention, but a lot of the ire is directed at particles like those beads found in acne scrubs or turf fields. The most harmful microplastic particles look like this, can pass through your lung tissue and into your brain, and mostly come from car tires
Today I saw 4 cyclists on a 1 mile stretch of University Drive (the premier "stroad" of Denton, Tx), despite: - High heat with minimal shade and lots of paved surfaces nearby. - Cyclists confined to a narrow, bumpy, and twisty sidewalk. - The sidewalk being alongside 7 lanes of 45+ mph traffic (1/?)
Breaking: In an effort to appeal to independent voters, Joe Biden has reportedly swapped out "the Beast" for something more blue-collar, pictured below:
Absolutely shameless example of shrinkflation by Vega. Just opened this to find it's only half full. Just sell it in a smaller jar at this point.
Spotted near my apartment. The term "gentrification" loses all meaning when it's applied to benign things like young adults riding bikes or wearing thrifted hats. Me commuting by bike isn't the reason our rent shot up $150 in a year.
I'll never understand why people are drawn to regions with hot weather. I get lightheaded and dizzy just going outside and it's only 89ยฐ. This is miserable.
It's ironic that opponents of cultivated meat make arguments that more accurately describe conventional factory farmed meat. Low nutritional value and quality, monoplization, high costs and limited scalability, harmful additives, unnatural processes, etc.
Crazy how we basically invented global telepathic communication with social media and only had about a decade to really enjoy it before it got ruined by engagement farming, bots, and regurgitated AI slop. We can't have anything nice these days without someone trying to milk it.
There's a town in the desert of Southern Arizona named "Why" and I think that's fitting.
The digitization of written school assignments was such a huge win for accessibility and ease of grading, and now the prevalence of generative AI is forcing us to leave all of that behind to reasonably ensure academic integrity.
Online lefties will see this and tell you with a straight face that incompetent liberals are just as bad and that they might as well lose. Political tunnel vision is dangerous.
Buried down in the โ€œupdatesโ€ like weโ€™re learning heโ€™s in Iowa this week
In case anyone wonders what teaching middle school band in the year 2024 is like.
Toddlers will see a long straight corridor in a public space and treat it like a 100m dash with zero hesitation.
We need to talk about the climate impact of conductors holding multiple jobs in distant locations. In this age of climate stress, they are not setting a good example traveling thousands of miles each month for work. If you think you're exceptional, remember that there's no music on a dead planet.
Regarding free fare transit: "[Free fares] means millions of commuters and tourists don't pay their fair share" I'm sorry but WHAT IS THIS? If we're serious about creating *truly* multi-modal cities in this country, then transit advocates need to learn to play in the mud.
One of the most dangerous misconceptions in climate advocacy is that climate denial will lessen as climate change intensifies. Climate denial is and always has been a defense mechanism against the terrifying reality that our way of life is fundamentally unsustainable.