
Thank you everyone who worked on and/or signed the Berkeley Tenant Protection & Right to Organize ballot measure campaign! Signatures have been filed with the city clerk and now await verification.
This measure will close a few loopholes in Berkeley's tenant protections, avoid high rent increases during years with high inflation, and make it easier to form a tenants union - similar to a labor union, and useful for dealing with maintenance problems or landlord harassment.
hell yes, kudos for those who organized and participated! when i lived in berkeley they had more rent control than anywhere i'd lived but i didn't ever hear about entrant protections - certainly needed'
Thanks! This was a unique campaign. We found that tenants were much more willing to sign, and we switched from the standard "stand in front of supermarkets" strategy to going door-to-door in neighborhoods with lots of apartment buildings, and canvassing laundromats & transit stations.
that is really smart! great way to get affected people involved. i love to see it!
My favorite were the fourplexes where all the doors open onto the front porch, I would knock all four doors at the same time.
Did you get many where all 4 answered at once ? 😀
Usually got one, occasionally 2.
now THAT is the kind of efficiency i can get behind!