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Student of history, come for the football and Rugby stay for the history and left wing content. Also films and Detective fiction, and art, and stuff.
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Netanyahu wants Trump to win. Why would he hand Biden a victory.
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Farage fucking off to the Republican convention instead of going to his literal first day in Parliament is some solid commitment to the grift.
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Ukraine and the Czech Republic have signed agreements for joint weapons production. One agreement involves constructing a new ammunition plant in Ukraine, signed by the Czech company Sellier & Bellot and Ukroboronservis. Additionally, Ukraine will produce assault rifles from the Colt CZ Group.
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Getting increasingly pissed off by various politicians "distraught" today. This is America, where every day we wonder if this when someone we love gets mowed down by a shooter. Pretending to be shocked just shows you don't get it. Trump has a Secret Service detail to protect him. My kids don't.
Please don’t “both sides” the “violent political rhetoric” conversation when one side regularly glorifies and intimidates with guns and the other side speaks out to end gun violence. These are not the same.
Reposted byAvatar Nick
I am delighted to have a story in this astonishing book.
NEW! This Friday, Gareth and I will reveal the cover to the first anthology from our new publishing imprint. We'll also launch our new website. Until then, you can find more info here:
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Reposted byAvatar Nick
There's a new anthology coming up - crowdfunding soon. Included within will be a new story in the City of Last Chances setting which I honestly think is one of my best short pieces.
NEW! This Friday, Gareth and I will reveal the cover to the first anthology from our new publishing imprint. We'll also launch our new website. Until then, you can find more info here:
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
Reposted byAvatar Nick
NEW! This Friday, Gareth and I will reveal the cover to the first anthology from our new publishing imprint. We'll also launch our new website. Until then, you can find more info here:
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Political violence always benefits authoritarians because liberals will always condemn it and authoritarians, regardless of whether they are perpetrators or victims, will always use it to claim more power.
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Don't recall the context in which he said it, but one of his posts (paraphrasing) that every generation lives in a dystopia, and it's our responsibility as a society to make it less dystopian for the next – was the poignant thing I've ever heard from a pundit. We need more people like Bouie around.
all i know is that if i have to go to fucking threads to get interesting commentary from black people because white people can't stop swarming their mentions here, the entire atproto bluesky experiment will have been an abject failure, regardless of what their technical goals were
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Or how success one year can be nothing other years. I'm unknown but been a full time writer since 2009. My income has veered between low six figures and "guess we aren't eating anything but rice this month if we want to have heat" and nothing is linear.
The majority of people flatly do not understand — and would be honestly shocked by! — how little money most publicly known writers make
Reposted byAvatar Nick
The majority of people flatly do not understand — and would be honestly shocked by! — how little money most publicly known writers make
Reposted byAvatar Nick
PROJECT 2o25 current numbers In case you wondered, the Heritage Foundation has a phone number you can call. Definitely don't bomb their line and take up all their time by letting them know how much everyone hates them: 800-546-2843 Also call the #1 donor! The Scaife Family Foundations, 412-392-2900
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Little mistakes are fine. Writing a novel that, by the evidence, takes place in northern, central and Southern California simultaneously, in which a mid-sized town is a sleazy city and where you can drive 50 miles east while looking at the Pacific through your rearview is, well, over the line.
Reposted byAvatar Nick
We need to focus on saving the world not getting a revenge that will kill us all.
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Reposted byAvatar Nick
We’ve been married 10 years today. Here’s a rare photo of our first dance.
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Might be better off hiring a skywriter or a really big sound system.
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Europe @ every single person in the Democratic Party.
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Touching grass isn’t enough, i need to punch a cybertruck owner
Reposted byAvatar Nick
I'm no ivy league fail upward brunchlord news professional, but I feel it's generous to call conspiratorial fascism (managed by a sociopathic manbaby with a fourth grade reading level) "disruptive" that's kind of like saying nuclear annihilation is "modifying"
Definitely a porn spoof called that somewhere.
Merge two films Free Willy Wonka
Reposted byAvatar Nick
Is now two hills away screaming Jedi puns at the uncaring sky as birds scatter before their stampeding onrush.
Reposted byAvatar Nick
"Wait, was this the ass I was looking for?"