Alyssa - Dawntrail playing catgirl

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Alyssa - Dawntrail playing catgirl

She/They, trans aroace catgirl with an unhealthy obsession with Gundams and Final Fantasy XIV. Trans rights are metal. HRT: 02/21/24
Achievement unlocked: Deactivated Twitter. Fuck Elon Musk.
See, people always talk about pickle cravings. And I like pickles, so I'd be perfectly OK with getting pickle cravings. But more often, I get cravings for the nacho cheese dip from Toppers. Which is a problem when I'm trying to eat a little healthier and save a little bit of money.
And with that, from my preexisting Archenemy collection, I now have two 10 card Scheme decks ready to go for Commander night on Wednesday.
On the one hand, I'm super excited about Wizards bringing back Archenemy. On the other hand, holy shit some of the Schemes are VERY expensive.
Oh, FFXIV at 120fps, I'm going to miss you. Still hitting consistently over 80-90fps, though. *locks framerate to 60fps*
Oh, Dawntrail opens at 4am. Yeah, I'm not staying up for that.
Tempted to pull an all nighter to play FFXIV tonight.
Someone got herself a Gundam for her birthday yesterday.
So this decided to finally show up on Sunday. And how do I like it? Well... the control buttons are too small, and the whammy bar is too close to the strum bar. I'm also not super into the Warwick-esque trying too hard to look metal design. And it's probably my favorite guitar controller ever.
Good news: I figured out that remote play does exist for Xbox. Bad news: Symphony of the Night does not play through it. So Xbox remote play may as well not exist.
And suddenly I'm reminded of 8-Bit Theater.
"I need AI to make comics, I can't draw!" Okay, but one of the most popular webcomics of all time was literally just stick figures. Another one is over 4000 strips of the exact same clipart of dinosaurs. You can make a comic. Trust me, it's really not that hard.
Why are you lgbtq+ wrong answers only *contemplates for about a full minute* Satan. *smugly takes a sip from a wine glass*
Why are you lgbtq+ wrong answers only My teachers told me I could be anything when I grew up so I became a disaster
Stupid Magic deck ideas: Lu Bu Voltron deck to lean into the Dynasty Warriors meme.
Heh. Got to introduce my therapist to's blog today. Hopefully he'll agree that it's a good resource.
Doom (2016): So, let me get this straight. This game ends like THAT... and Doom Eternal doesn't even address it? Wow. That's stupid.
Well, this sure took its sweet time to get shipped.
Immortals of Aveum is an interesting game. It's certainly a unique take on a first person shooter, being a high fantasy setting and more simulating Doctor Strange than Master Chief, but I get the feeling that it's only going to be remembered as an Unreal Engine 5 showcase.
Well, I certainly didn't have a friend coming out to me as trans today on my bingo card.
10 games to get to know me (in no particular order, only one entry per franchise) 1. Rock Band 3 2. Yakuza 0 3. Halo: Combat Evolved 4. Final Fantasy IX 5. Persona 5 6. Destiny 2 7. Red Dead Redemption 8. Pokemon Black/White 9. Borderlands 2 10. Dynasty Warriors 5 Elaboration in following posts.
10 video games to get to know me 1. Super Metroid 2. Star Control 2/The Ur-Quan Masters 3. Final Fantasy 6 4. Bloodborne 5. Shovel Knight 6. Horizon Zero Dawn 7. Link to the Past 8. Planescape: Torment 9. Stellaris 10. Ikaruga
I can't say I'm seeing much of a difference yet, but here's one day of HRT followed by three months of HRT.
Oh, great. A metal singer I really liked got outed as a domestic abuser and sexual predator. Awesome. I hate everything.
Small transition victories: looking down and seeing my shirt or bra not laying completely flat against my chest.
⚠️ Media alert: Journalist Jennifer Block from BMJ is trying to talk to people for an upcoming project on Planned Parenthood and gender-affirming care. Block previously ran cover for Florida's sham review against gender-affirming care. We recommend that you *do not engage*
Hey, got my first Cybertruck at work today. I literally had to hold back laughter while I was adding it to the customer's policy. Congratulation, random customer, you're signaling to the world that you have more money than sense and you bought an unsafe piece of shit.
Bluesky: What happens when you replace all of the NAZIs on Twitter with trans people.
Aww, I'm out of my favorite nail polish.
Fun fact about ADHD: sometimes it distracts you from sleeping because your hyperfocus decides to fixate on something as you're trying to fall asleep. So I'm currently running on about one hour of sleep. And it sucks.
Hot damn, new Doctor Who and modernized version of Marathon on Steam on the same day? Sci-fi eating good today. And by today, I mean technically yesterday because I completely forgot about both of these until like 2am.