
Happy Canada Day! Never forget Canadian mining companies overseas are some of the worst offenders for labour and environmental violations.
Which is why we should open more critical minerals mines in Canada where we can be sure they are operated to the highest environmental and labour standards, right? 😅 /waits for tomatoes to be thrown at them
I am not joking. We need to mine a lot of stuff to make a global transition to a low carbon economy. There is no path to net zero that doesn’t start in a mine. So we need to figure it out.
agreed One of the things I've absolutely been loving 😐 from the oil & gas sector is the endless stream of arguments that there are other minerals in all the stuff they're pulling up from underground so... can they not be required to dispose of waste while they figure out how to extract it pls 🫠
Yeah that is shit. There needs to be a clear social/environmental contract to this stuff and full agreement with First Nations where these mines are located. We can do it safely - mining actually has a fairly low footprint if done well. But the companies need to be held to standards.
Aside from it being purely evil to needlessly pollute the environment and exploit people - It also disincentivizes economic investment in canada because our domestic laws hold companies to a higher standard than they face elsewhere
Yup. They’ve been trying it in Inyo county in California- just speculate, test drill, and go bankrupt and repeat.
my whole province is a pincushion since they invented 3-dimensional seismic assessment...
I’m hazarding a guess that the whole USAsian stereotype of the “Nice Canadian” doesn’t travel to the rest of the world.
In white europe, there's a bit of it. We're riding on some WWII coattails still. Some of it has spread... I've had people say the most bananas things to me like "oh! you're Canadian, that means you aren't racist!" and, uh, I mean... everyone's racist?? I'm trying my best? But not in South America.
The closer you are to any of these big mines (and there are a bunch in the Andes and in Africa), Canada's reputation takes a big tumble. ... no matter how many nice volunteer tourists help out at the local whatever white guilt volunteer place.
In other words think twice about the Maple Leaf on the backpack.
I mean... go off of personal experience. The whole goal of those (initially) was to avoid getting called Americans all the time. And there ARE differences... but they are not always obvious, and they are not always what you expect.