
A joy list! What a good idea Fresh breezes Chocolate Fresh fruit Magpies Baby birds Growing things Seeing friends' kids grow up Sprouting seeds Community Making kooky crafts Knitting Fresh in-season vegetables Ginger beer Going for walks Seeing friends happy Getting good rest Making useful things
Is it cheating to name all of my cats? IDK buuut here's what brings me joy: Artemis (cat) Mister (cat) Hobbes (cat) Also all of your cats Books Video games Rock & metal music Anime Have I mentioned cats? Writing The wonderful online communities I've built & been part of Horror movies 90s SciFi Cats
Bonfires Family stories Reading a good book Sharing a good book with someone Having a laugh over a drink Throwing rocks at the river Butterflies Bumblebees Sunsets Riding the trolley car Watching people experience something good for the first time Sharing the things I love I think that's a good sum
Good rest? What's that 😭😭