
Listening to The Rest is History’s new series on the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and it’s as good as I hoped. Humanizes the guy, reveals the shitbirdery of his family and Hapsburg colleagues, and also explains why his assassination saved millions of birds.
/2 Now really looking forward to them covering the slow-motion car crash that is July 1914 which is an absolutely terrifying story of our inability to stop terrible things from happening
It's funny how, despite two World Wars, a much worse pandemic than COVID-19, the Great Depression, and god knows how many totalitarian atrocities, the world was still immensely better and nicer in 1950 than in 1900. Barring a full nuclear missile launch, I'm very sure we'll see 2050 the same way.
I dunno, it seems like the early 2010s were far better than the 2020s. The dream of consuming video without any ads was becoming real. Amazon was not yet a dystopian hellscape of SEO'd and sponsored products. Though, twitter still only allowed 120 characters, so it was mixed.
Also, GRRM's "Winds of Winter" was due out in just a few months.