
This place is more fun when it's just queers posting horny art. I hate seeing you people repost or reply to the NYT, muting so many people cuz this place doesn't have a turn off reposts button yet. It makes me so grumpy.
And like, why haven't y'all blocked the NYT??? Didn't learn a single lesson, did you? We coulda gatekept this place soooo good.
The vibe has changed so much from a year ago. Which, no, was not perfect even then, but gosh it feels like the doom reel has taken over and the house party vibe, where you could find a pocket to be ridiculous in, is just gone.
I swear every day an article goes viral and people get enraged and I don’t understand why everyone keeps sharing them??
Wait! That's a great idea. Thank you. You just made my feed better at least
You can turn off reposts under "Following Feed Preferences". You can turn off quote posts, too.
I don't want to turn them off for everyone, just individual dorks.
I was just lamenting the other day that I wish I could mute reblogs from specific accounts... between the news and constant art shares, I'm missing all my regular conversations!
God I need a disable individual RTs so bad. The OnlyPosts feed helps, but it's not exactly what I'm after.
Yeah, I don't wanna turn off all reposts, cuz how will I discover new artists? Or new funny people? Feels like this place has reached a plateau.
I dont think it's hit it's plateau at all, based on the plans for upcoming releases. It may feel that way bc they did a speed run of Twitter features that took years? I know that individual repost control is one of the more asked for features and is part of the backlog, so I maintain hope.
I meant a plateau in like... people? Idk, this is probably just a personal problem and I need to curate my feed/following list better, cuz I feel like there's just not enough people. I'm probably not explaining myself well.
There's a ton of folks here so yeah maybe it's just managing your feed? I joined last June so I was able to micromanage it easily, without an algorithm it can be harder. You have to spend more time hunting and gathering.
Yeah, I'm not explaining myself well enough.