Virginia Barksdale

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Virginia Barksdale

nee Gentlenerd. Queer. Virginian. Cat Attendant. Former Comics Hangout host, current Star Wars shitposter & Discworld fangirl. Previously seen at: The Comics Bulletin, Comicosity, PanelxPanel. Avatar: Dan Schkade. Banner: Filipe Andrade/Ram V. She/her.
promo for the 1977 stage production of 'Dracula' with set design by Edward Gorey
stop hurting the controllers :(
I am a lifelong enjoyer of things I can fidget with but these make me viscerally uncomfortable.
Moved and inspired by all the amazing people using the #DidThisToday hashtag. There's always something we can do, and if you're looking for ways you can make a difference, please do check it out to see what other folks are doing!
Finished Shoresy tonight (yes I'm behind) and that electro-pop cover of God Only Knows in the 2nd to last episode was the best music choice the show has ever made.
One thing I'm really, really happy about with all my weird brain shit is that I have at least been spared the tendency to internalize general nonsense statements on socials (eg, if you aren't X then you must be Y type shit). Really helps me maintain equilibrium and be less angry at made up guys.
My trainer & I were talking about the tragedy of artists not being paid enough & we talked about the hullabaloo around Lee's commission prices, to which he says the dude is worth it (he is). Now I've learned someone paid Jim Lee $20k for a drawing of Bluey & I cannot wait to tell him.
This is a huge, huge problem that needs to be addressed urgently
Modest proposal: all opinion columnists should be made to live on an island called Dipshit Island. This is not carceral, they have total freedom of movement, but they have to maintain a residence there and it has to be in their author bio.
This one fought me the whole way but it turned out pretty cool.
Round puzzles are hard
As someone who’s currently suffering from this, the deepest revenge you can get on someone is to put them on a swing state text fundraiser list.
Discworld QOTD, from Jingo
Discworld QOTD, from The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents “Maurice watched them argue again. Humans, eh? Think they're lords of creation. Not like us cats. We know we are. Ever see a cat feed a human? Case proven.”
Excited to share my cover for Action Comics #1072. This is the first of a series of four that I completed, and should hit shelves in the end of September. Anyone who knows me is aware that Superman is my guy, so these were a lot of fun.
think my biggest takeaway from all this is that people are very responsive to a democratic party that manages to take any definitive action in response to voters -- years of negative-to-lukewarm feelings about kamala harris washed away into full support bc she's 1000% better than uncertainty lol
In other news — I quite liked’s piece on Apex the stegosaurus in Defector, and while I have very, very complicated feelings about commercial paleontology, I think it’s clear this is getting badly out of hand
No One Person Should Be Able To Own A Dinosaur | Especially not a hedge-fund billionaire...
Perfect synergy of headline and photo
The national anthem: -old -square -celebrates owning slaves The put the lime in the coconut song: -newer -tastes better -supportive of k-hive
would you like a croissant
aaron sorkin isn't real and can't hurt me
I will never apologize for a post
Happy birthday to Dr. a load bearing pillar of every community she is in and also an absolute goblin.
Aaron Sorkin is not a savvy politico, and we need to stop acting like he ever was. He is a theater kid. His only real contribution is broadly asking, "what if we could save America by putting on a show?" A deeply unserious theory that is held aloft on the strength of his cast.