
The descriptions of Trump’s sexual abuse of minors are horrific and quotidian. (It sounds like a regular, unremarkable occurrence for him.) It is enraging that this story is buried under an avalanche of wish-casting discourse.
This story hits a little harder now that the jury documents for Epstein's case have been released (and Trump's name is ALLLLLL over those documents). Again, mainstream media is burying this story for Trump.
Jeffrey Epstein introduced me to Trump at 14, Ghislaine Maxwell accuser Testifying at Maxwell’s trial in New York City, the woman, identified by the pseudonym Jane, said she met the former president in the 1990s at his Mar-a-Lago resort.
It is equally enraging that his base either will not care or will assume the press is lying.
Yesterday my partner brought up how his supporters used to do the "Trump's close to them because he's trying to take them down!" thing. They have no problem inventing some fantasy scenario to handwave away the whole thing
Yep. And it wouldn’t be the first GOP serial assaulter of children they’ve elected (more than once).