Alyssa Harad

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Alyssa Harad

Writer. Reader. I live in a box of paints.
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Reposting for the nighttime (or daytime, I don’t know where you are) crowd. Buying books or suggesting them to your local library are the best ways to help this #ME/CFS and #longCOVID having author this #DisabilityPrideMonth. #HelpSky
So. Things are pretty rough. A mutual aid-ish thread. In 2023, I had to leave my job because of long COVID. I’m in the process of applying for disability, but it is long, vague, and not a sure thing. SSDI limits my ability to accept work, but with my lawyer’s blessing, I am still writing.
What. TF.
Ken Klip going full Glenn “the far right are my friends” Greenwald
I made the most amazing inkwash gradient and it is absolutely unphotographable and therefor unusable for the project. 🙃
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For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
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Hey folks! Diana the Physics Girl, who's been ill with severe Long COVID and ME/CFS for a couple years now, is doing an all-day livestream of what her life is like, with really interesting pre-recorded interviews playing alongside!
Physics Girl LIVE with long Dianna is Live streaming a day in her life as someone suffering from long COVID and ME/CFS. The purpose of the Livestream is to raise money and awareness for...
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Looked at the laundry drying and realized that after an adult lifetime of black, gray and navy I have a kind of coherent color palette.
JFC we have got to find a language for this besides the horse race.
Rare event! Competing heat domes in the Southeast and Southwest US crank out two huge all-time record highs. Palm Springs 124 and Raleigh=Durham 106 with a heat index of 118! Las Vegas is forecast to break their all-time high this weekend and even Death Valley may come close.
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Sitting at my desk working and hear a big splash in the pool and I know who it is! I hope he wasn't too freaked out by all of the fireworks last night, poor big buddy.
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Masking at cons is SO GREAT, y’all, for real, I haven’t gotten con crud in four years AND I AM A VENDOR, I AM BREATHED ON BY LITERALLY EVERYONE, strong recommend! It’s so good!
Side note, covid or not, I'm never going to another con unmasked again. I can't believe I just accepted getting sick *every time.* I was just letting all those people breathe into my mouth.
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Hey, remember how librarians and I were warning everyone that mass book-banning is just step one of a fascist government takeover? Well, some of the same book-banning orgs we warned you about are on the advisory board for Project 2025, whose leader calls it a "second American Revolution.”
I can’t believe I have to repeat these basic facts about Covid after five years but it feels like the most effective thing to do.
Covid can feel like food poisoning. Many folks get GI symptoms first, before sore throat and fever. Some never get respiratory symptoms at all, in spite of the push to call it a respiratory illness.
“…coronavirus is ‘like throwing a bomb in your body,” said Dr. Ken Cadwell, a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania who studies how Covid affects the gut. ‘You’re going to feel that in multiple different organs, not just the lungs.’” (gift link)
This May Be the Most Overlooked Covid Gastrointestinal issues are a common but often unrecognized sign of infection.
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I use the library frequently and you should too. I can borrow academic books that would otherwise cost an arm and a leg. I can fax things for free. I can make copies. I use the study rooms. I use MNLINK to get copies of articles. My writing exists because libraries exist.
Library funding is almost always justified through patron numbers. The more people a library serves, the more funding it gets. So even if you don't regularly use a public library, get a library card. It costs you nothing and helps everyone in your community.
“…coronavirus is ‘like throwing a bomb in your body,” said Dr. Ken Cadwell, a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania who studies how Covid affects the gut. ‘You’re going to feel that in multiple different organs, not just the lungs.’” (gift link)
This May Be the Most Overlooked Covid Gastrointestinal issues are a common but often unrecognized sign of infection.
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Far-right chud in NYT: "They went about the ordinary business of life - laboring, raising children, worshipping their creator - untroubled by futile expectations of change." Medieval commoners: "I would rather the king and all kings were dead than that my son should be hurt on his little finger."
More anti-democratic thoughts from 2018 the NYT allowed this writer to exclude from his current piece. Delivered with an air of detached irony, as if he miiight be joking or exaggerating. But is he?
Gonna go all the way out on a limb and say a journalist might not be the best person to critique posting as action.
I put some of the cherries in a salad with arugula, cashews, pickled red onions and feta and yes, omg, do this. Simple oil and vinegar dressing. You could also use cotija. Prob you could sub walnuts, tho it would be quite different.
I still like The Bear but this season feels like a collection of leftovers. It’s like they said, “Oh hey! They renewed! Let’s do all those weird little ideas we scrapped before when we were trying to make a coherent show.”
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Last summer I had to get a scan at a cancer center (not for me that’s just where the scan equipment was) and no one was masked even tho there were signs EVERYWHERE saying to do so. I wrote to the company to complain and they promptly took that signage down.
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Went to a clinic today for a routine medical thing and was once again amazed by the number of people who are happy to hang out and just freely breathe in all the air juice inside the germ emporium
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Oh yeah, these are going on the stop signs in the neighborhood
My 10 and 12 y.o. nieces had a lot of scathing things to say about the golf score moment in the debate.
Fresh picked a couple of hours ago. I handed some to V and much appreciative swearing ensued.
Excuse me, how are these real?? (The sour cherries smell amazing too.)