
That's why she is on that issue. So it would be really great if at least people who vote Democrats would stop whining publicly until AFTER the election.
Not to keep relitigating this, but those folks who are abandoning the party because they feel that they're being gaslit will not be heartened by more gaslight. Time to switch tactics and respect people's intelligence.
Ah. OK. I don't know how much it's intelligence or just balls that one has, to abandon the squad before the D-Day.
For people who care abut debates, Harris would obviously comically trash Trump. She’s sharp. Would she win the election? I have no idea but if Biden steps down, she is almost certainly who we’ll get.
Which is why she’s become dramatically less popular since becoming VP
Kamala Harris reminds me of an old school principal lecturing the students on their behavior. She’s not a natural speaker/communicator like AOC, Jamie Raskin and many others. I do believe she’s totally qualified though.
despite joe's age issues, it's reassuring he has kamala and an amazing administration behind him. we also have the added advantage that jill is by his side. the alternative is project 2025 and the complete seizure of our country by christo-fascists, lead by the most untrustworthy human alive