
Biden appears to have mostly given up on campaigning against Trump, and his campaign is focused mostly around denying the obvious about his age. That only is more evidence he's not up to what he needs to do.
It's clear the goal is to have a lot of well-spaced out "tests" to "prove" he's up to this, handed out slowly, so that all of a sudden, it's August and "too late." The result of this, of course, is a month where the only news is Biden drop-out watch. Good luck ever making Trump's evil the focus.
I can see the gaslighters are coming out. Before you tell me not to believe my lying eyes, check this article to see if your bullshit has been debunked.
5 terrible reasons for Biden to stay in the A rebuttal of the bad — but prominent — arguments for the president’s candidacy.
Gaslight doesn't mean just whatever you want it to.
I kinda hate that we took a term for a specific type of intimate partner abuse and redefined it to mean “strangers saying things i disagree with.”
Biden has been a walking, talking gaffe machine for as long as I’ve followed politics. I’ve never been able to watch a single interview of him without cringing. That’s 100% fact. You haven’t been following politics for the last 2 decades, or you’re being disingenuous. Plain and simple.
What my "lying eyes" see: Biden's debate performed below expectations. Media collectively freaked, referring an existing narrative about his age. Universal pundit calls to replace Biden with ????? (Cookie Monster?). Pollsters ask the question, voters respond based on what they see in the media.
Which of course reinforces the media narrative that Biden is too old/unpopular.
You are the one gaslighting us
I read it. Far too long for a simpleton like me, whose opinion is bullshit anyways according to you. I've followed you a long time. Sorry to see you feel I'm such a fool.