
the media, led by the Times, has done to Biden what they did to Claudine Gay at Harvard there is no way to convince the public, because the people who he needs to convince to do that (the media) are never going to tell the public that he’s fine I think dropping out is a when, not if at this point
"President Biden has told a key ally that he knows he may not be able to salvage his candidacy if he cannot convince the public in the coming days that he is up for the job after a disastrous debate performance last week."
Biden Told Ally That He Is Weighing Whether to Continue in the The president’s conversation is the first indication that he is seriously considering whether he can recover after a devastating performance on the debate stage in Atlanta on Thursday.
I don’t think the concerns are based on nothing either - we all (well, the sickos among us) watched the debate, it’s a real issue my point is that it has become the only issue, and means it can’t be addressed Biden will never be able to convince people at this point, even if he is capable
To hell with the New York Times, but I don't think these concerns are manufactured. Progressive spaces like TNR and Zeteo expressed immediate concern about Biden after the debate. But so did Never-Trump allies. The move to seriously grapple with stepping down is broad and organic.
the issue is I don’t think it matters how those events go can you imagine a “Energetic Biden Calms Debate Fears” article? or will it be “Despite Energetic Performance, Doubts Remain About Biden’s Fitness”?
That said, there's a lot of editorial spin; the anonymous ally says this: "He knows if he has two more events like that, we’re in a different place" Which is just obviously true.
it is absolutely a terrible precedent, yes but they have the veto already, is the thing - if this is how the race is covered from now until Election Day, Biden loses, full stop “drop out or we sink your campaign” - the latter is already happening and that’s why the former will
There are large and immediate downside risks to giving the media a heckler’s veto **after the primary process** has already ended. I don’t think people are grappling with the implications here!
My fear (more like a guess) is, since this is how these things seem to go, the dems thoroughly vet the most appealing candidates and then manage to choose the worst one, somehow with a closetful of rattling skeletons that they somehow missed. Prez steps aside and the other guys then spend from (1/2)
If the Dems pick anyone but Harris it's a disaster. If they'd done this last Nov when the left was telling them Biden was a bad idea, we could have had a primary with choice. Now, though, Harris has the job and skipping her looks terrible. So they'll go with Gavin Newsome.
To Gavin's credit, I don't think he would accept this. He definitely wants to be president someday, but he's very cautious about moving too quickly. He's more likely to serve out the rest of his term as governor and then angle himself for a cabinet position so he can establish himself federally.