
watching Virus again and it’s such a rock solid movie. it’s actually very much like Event Horizon (highest compliment)
Avatar ivy it's imperative that you see this echo across time and space
This is true, and as the ambassador to both of those movies I am happy thst someone else has acknowledged THE TRUTH! Virus is a great one for Donald Sutherland, hamming it up. the line "dead in the water? I'll be there in a minute" is Popeye-under-the-breath-comment level
Sherman Augustus (Richie) follows me on twitter, and Marshall Bell (Woods) once tweeted this out for reasons unknown
People shit on it for god knowd ehat reason, but the fx are great and the story is cool. Late 90s-early 2000s were really the golden age for "this ship is fucked up" movies. Akademik Vladislav Volkov was a badass setting. Also that movie is the only time I've seen Cliff Curtis as a Maori character
It's a shame that the best we have for it is a goddamn open matte 1080 that starz showed; Arrow or Scream or one of the other collector companies should absolutely do a 4K
Real Movies should get the Respect they Deserve
You know, I've never actually seen the movie, but I have vivid memories of being very creeped out by the trailer as a kid.
it is creepy and gross but as a grown up you should be able to handle it. also donald sutherland plays the evil drunk captain!
if i can change just one person’s life it’s all worth it
i believe it was shot in the eye of a typhoon off the coast of australia??? but ok