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She/her. public transit user, cat lover, ISAIAH/FiMN Data. "Intimidating", according to men. amityf elsewhere
Texting people to ask if they want to ride bikes with me feels kind of awkward, but also, exciting. I have bike friends!
Reposted byAvatar amityf
Just writing a bunch of SQL queries and checking my code against chatgpt and wow, this is a lot more helpful than I thought it would be!
Can't tell if I ate something off or if I'm just nauseous because of the general state of our country.
I'm gonna see Gail Simone in September and OH MY GOD how cool!!!!
Went to two comic book stores today and wow, do I miss that. Mind's Eye in Burnsville and Comic Book College; and now I'm all ready to lounge around reading, ahhhhhh.
Put Chad in the bedroom so he can get his fill of nice, air-conditioned air before I turn it off til the evening. I hope he appreciates what I'm doing for him, lol.
Slept all the way through that storm, and I feel like I missed out.
Oooh you really start to see the gaps--quality, availability, options-- in plus size women's clothing when you're looking for 'specialty' things or something you want immediately. It's so depressing.
I have TWO kinds of arthritis, so I feel really special today. Also, wow, seeing the x-ray of my worn and torn knee is surreal.
I am irrationally bothered by the fact that there is a stripclub named Spearmint Rhino and another one Peppermint Hippo. THOSE ARE STUPID NAMES FOR STRIP CLUBS. At least the Double Deuce was logical.
Took Fridays off the rest of this month; and I'm really excited about that. Wooo!
I just dropped my bike off at the shop for a tune-up and wow, I didn't realize I could miss it this much already.
Biked 23.85 miles and got some pretty pics of Minneapolis!
Great thread about voting in MN right here.
People are talking about voter ID again, so I thought i'd offer some observations. I've done partisan poll-watching in Minnesota most major elections since 2012. Minnesota does not require voter ID in the way most people think of ID. I have only ever seen that be a good thing.
Anyone on here wear a knee brace; just for stability? My knee keeps buckling; I know why and there's not much to do except keep moving & stabilize it. If you do, what kind of brace do you like?
I wish Girls On the Bus had a second season. Really digging this show.
I like silence; at least in my apartment; and this is starting to be a little unnerving: I keep hearing electricity, or maybe mechanical vibrations. I don't know how to describe it, but almost like this humming or pulsing sound/feel. Yeah.
I am in a new role, kinda, at work and it has me deeply deeply stressed out. And I can't tell if I'm over-worrying, or if it's the right amount. AND I am literally limited on who I can talk to about it, lol. ARGH.
Got my bike out of the garage; but now the garage door is broken and now bike storage is just a pain in the ass. ARGH. At least my landlord is on it. Hopefully it gets repaired this week.
Was gonna go on a nice long bike ride but now the fucking garage door won't open. Goddammit.
I feel like I just need to throw a giant temper tantrum and then I will be ok.
Can't sleep, and it feels like I can _feel_ some kind of electrical current in the air. Like, noise, but not quite. It's so weird and I can't describe it properly. Ugh. Like there's a motor running somewhere.
Downtown Minneapolis is SO back, you guys. Target had all the bathrooms open.
Supreme Court allows cities to enforce bans on homeless people sleeping outside. The sheer disregard for humanity.
Ugh, got the summer slump. Usually it happens later in the season but wow. This is a lot.
I really don't want to build a whole wardrobe around biking, but I may need to build a whole bra wardrobe around biking.