
Sometimes I hear all the stories about crime involving cars, and like, aren't these good arguments to get rid of cars, massively invest in public transit and other modes of transportation?
OK to be real clear-this was in response to the City Council hearing on public safety, when people were talking abt carjacking, items getting stolen out of cars. I'm being kinda snarky bc I'm tired of property theft being highlighted as the reason we need more money going to a PD that isn't working.
If you outlaw cars only the outlaws will have cars. If you ban cars, then people will just kill each other with bicycles. The Constitution says we have to have postal roads, and despite it predating the model-T by a century a 6/3 SCOTUS ruling will find the founders intended a right to cars.
No one needs "good arguments" when we can have dozens of bad ones.
Clarity--I didn't mean ban cars; I mean build out and invest in other modal infrastructure so that the benefit is to move away from cars. And I'm not so sure people will just kill each other with bicycles.
Had someone today complain about people parking 9 blocks away to go to Hidden Beach and the culprit was, you guessed it, bike lanes. I thought, “cars maybe?”
Reduce the reliance on cars and invest in public transit, yes, please. But I am disabled, and I need a car. Not a bus, not a train, not an Uber. An ebike could maybe help some of the time--but it can't replace a car.
i often hear howls of protests from drivers about the idea that investing in public transport and active travel is an attack on their “right” to drive why don’t they realise moving some journeys to other modes would actually be better for them, and people like you that often have no other option 🤷🏼‍♂️
The problem is very complex as you can see from these few comments. And there are no easy fixes. We have to make it financially better for people to not own a car if possible AND invest heavily in alternative modes of transportation. And there will be massive lawsuits from the auto and oil guys
Please do not make it even more expensive or difficult for disabled people like me to own a car. I pay enough for accessibility for my disabilities as it is. Please do not make me go through more bureaucracy hell to prove I need a Car Tax Exemption, either.
You missed the words, “if possible”, in the sentence. I was not advocating that everyone lose their access to vehicles. I was simply explaining how hard it would be to carry out what the poster I was replying to, thought would be simple.
Hi, I'm the OP; and none of what I said would be simple.
At least I’m pretty sure that’s who it was. I might have replied to the wrong post.😔
Social media, whew. :). I'm honestly at a loss for where I am these days.
I did not miss them. I simply know what it will require of people like me to prove that we need an exemption from your proposed financial increases for car owners.
Prim, my “proposal” is an example of what it would take to get a majority of vehicle owners to give up their vehicles. I didn’t say that we need to make it more expensive. I said we need to make it more financially better. Use a carrot not a stick. Bye back peoples cars, and improve public transport
Precisely what Pantera was saying, all those years back! ...
And now it seems that tire wear is the source of a lot of microplastics. I really wish someone would do a study on whether cities with great public transport bestow fewer microplastic.