Allison Mulder

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Allison Mulder

SFF and Horror author in Escape Pod, Fireside Fiction, & more. Dabbler in crochet, TTRPGs, cooking, and whatever else my hyperfixation lands on, especially things silly and/or scary. Neurodiverse. She/her.
I'm in my Gollum era, by which I mean the ring behind my dresser is still completely irretrievable and it is occupying every fiber of my being at the moment.
"Well despite the grocery store fire alarm hell and all of the Recent Events and my general state of being, I think I've remained quite calm tonight, considering," I reflected, taking off my new ring. And promptly dropping it into a crevice behind my dresser, irretrievably. *high-pitched wailing*
"My allergies are really bad lately, but at least there's no one else at the store right now," I thought, strolling among the produce. "No way I'd get overstimulated this trip." Then the alarms went off. For half an hour. With little sense of urgency from anyone in the building. (No real fire)
An eventful trip to the grocery store.
An eventful trip to the grocery store.
Reposted byAvatar Allison Mulder
$19884 and there are ONLY 108 MINUTES LEFT
Strange Horizons is at $19178 out of $20000 to add a novelette to next year's roster!! They have FIVE HOURS left to close that margin!
Strange Horizons A free weekly speculative fiction magazine with a global perspective.
After making a pretzel-top bread a while back with a fairly poor result, my expectations were very low for these actual pretzels. But Oh my God. They are Incredible and were very fun to make, easy to work with. (From Nadiya Bakes by Nadiya Hussain). This may be my favorite thing I've baked Ever.
I have finally started Dungeon Meshi. I know there's a Thing, a vibe change or something. I do not know what the thing Is. My guesses have me narrowing my eyes at everything. "Is it YOU. Is it THIS?"
Reposted byAvatar Allison Mulder
Last *TWO* days of the Strange Horizons fund-drive! We’re looking to meet our stretch goal of raising pay for our artists. To help us get there:
Strange Horizons’ annual fund-drive now live! A host of special issues ( such as Afro-surrealist SF) if we get funded, and some amazing rewards on offer. Click to find out more and to donate:
Strange Horizons A free weekly speculative fiction magazine with a global perspective.
Strange Horizons A free weekly speculative fiction magazine with a global perspective.
The elevator has returned to functionality. We rejoice in email chains and the IM feature. No longer must I worry about dropping my phone or ID pass down several flights into the basement of the building. Nature is healing. Etc. etc.
We greet each coworker arriving from the stairwell like a warrior into Valhalla. We've begun pitching alternate methods of getting to our floor: - escalator - powerful trampoline - one of those fake sky-diving wind tunnels
The eternal cycle: "Man, I could go for another Predator movie about now." "Wait, have I seen this one?" Usually: "Yep, I saw it and somehow managed to forget everything about it." But surely this will not be the case with The Predator. *squints at screen*
A whole herd...taken out in their prime.
I prepped this cookie dough a few days ago but then life got away with me... but it might still be okay to bake? *opens tupperware to find that I have accidentally Cask of Amontilladoed a gnat* Nope. These cookies are for the trash now. :(
Made a mediocre guacamole. One bowl of tortilla chips and guac later... The best guac of my life is gone too soon and I will mourn it to my dying day.
There's nothing like the produce available at the Wet Steps, freshened constantly by the gentle spray. But that's not what keeps me climbing up and down the stairs, head hung low, so frequently I accidentally start urban legends. It's been YEARS since I dropped my keys down these steps, and yet...
Officially, it's known as the Market Under the Falls; unofficially: the Wet Steps. A marketplace lodged in a vertical warren in the side of the cliff, open to the splash and mist of of the constant waterfall. What keeps bringing you back to this place? #TinyTalesTuesday #WritingPrompt
Morning commute radio claimed my city is in the Top 5 Least Stressed Out Cities in America. This is saying something, as *I* live here, assumably driving down the local average.
Reposted byAvatar Allison Mulder
Apex Magazine is one of my most FAVORITE short fiction magazines out there, and they need your help. they need OUR help! if you can afford to back the Kickstarter, you can get some neat rewards! if not? please repost!!
AND WE'RE LIVE! Our 2025 Kickstarter has SO MUCH included! Here are some of our rewards: ☀️ Affirmation Critiques 🎨 Graphic Design Bundles and a Website mock-up 🖐️ Personal Snap Judgments ✍️ Critiques 📚 Book Bundles 👽 12 month subscriptions 🍸 Strange Anthology Bundle
Apex Magazine A bi-monthly digital literary magazine of science fiction, dark fantasy, and horror.
Devastated to report that the office building stairs have gotten ten times longer since yesterday. This rate of growth is unsustainable.
We greet each coworker arriving from the stairwell like a warrior into Valhalla. We've begun pitching alternate methods of getting to our floor: - escalator - powerful trampoline - one of those fake sky-diving wind tunnels
We greet each coworker arriving from the stairwell like a warrior into Valhalla. We've begun pitching alternate methods of getting to our floor: - escalator - powerful trampoline - one of those fake sky-diving wind tunnels
Good news: I managed to fit a brief workout in before work! Bad news: It's because the elevator at my office is broken.
Good news: I managed to fit a brief workout in before work! Bad news: It's because the elevator at my office is broken.
I must now go to water my sister's plants for her, leaving my own plants unattended to, in a fumbling attempt to kill off the gnat infestation that arose from having no idea how much to actually water Flavisham the basil plant.
It also happened to be maple syrup day, the one day the maple syrup man comes to the farmer's market with all the good good maple syrup. "What makes it better than anywhere else you can get maple syrup?" Bro-in-law once asked me. I stared, aghast. "It''s maple syrup day."
It's extremely humid out. A storm is rolling in and my sinuses are a Nuisance. But on the bright side: Christmas in July at the coffee truck means peppermint mocha and I am Enjoying it.
It's extremely humid out. A storm is rolling in and my sinuses are a Nuisance. But on the bright side: Christmas in July at the coffee truck means peppermint mocha and I am Enjoying it.
Me: *sputters as branches brush my head as I send a quick message while walking* How embarrassing. Thank goodness no one saw tha-- Pedestrian: *quietly passes me, not making direct eye contact* Me: Me: o no
Me trying to mental health my way through domestic tasks under duress.
Today in "rabbit holes I fell down while revising the novel-in-progress"...
"What will keep me from despair right now? Cooking?" I wonder, boiling eggs for ramen. "More cooking?" I suggest, as despair surroundings intensify and I knead dough for homemade burger buns. "MORE cooking?" I plead, eye twitching, as I cook a 12-course meal & everything I love comes under threat.
Reposted byAvatar Allison Mulder
You've had grilled vegetables, but have you had vegetabled grills?
I'm a fan of the spider strings section. They spin up new instruments each morning, an art form in itself. The sound is never quite identical, lines of web resonating differently depending on the day, the land, the dew caught on the strings. Even flies blundering in become part of the performance
When we learned to speak with bugs, we discovered they're very fond of the Arts. Ants write endlessly dense novels of political intrigue, cicadas are pioneers of heavy metal, and dung beetles are obsessed with sculpture. Whose art most fascinates you? #TinyTalesTuesday #WritingPrompt
Reposted byAvatar Allison Mulder
Reposted byAvatar Allison Mulder
"Perhaps I shouldn't have listened to the harrowing flooding stories," I reflect, driving to work on roads that aren't...FLOODED. But cars in front of me definitely seemed to have a wake in a few spots. Rain you wouldn't wanna drive a Cybertruck through, if you were unfortunate enough to have one.
Dad: I thought you specifically would like to hear a harrowing anecdote about a pastor friend of mine's daughter almost getting trapped in the recent flooding.* Me: You have never understood me more than in this moment. *she's fine.