
saying this is NOT the same thing as saying that the situation is no big deal and everything will be fine - but the truth is, when things look really bad, ceding defeat before you've actually been *defeated* is a completely useless strategy.
I really have lost my former tolerance for "we're doomed/fucked/it's all over/they've won" takes at this point, in that they're the most dangerous attitudes one could possibly have when confronted with a truly existential political threat (which we still DO have levers to address).
Starshine has the right of it:
Despair creeping in? Worried things ultimately won’t work out for you? Is Hell getting a bit too Hellish? Consider setting those worries aside and trying Grim Determination and focusing on helping who you can however you can Ask your doctor if Grim Determination is right for you
always happy to spread word of the good book
does this count? i feel like this counts
The book series where you have to be some variety of mentally ill and traumatized to use magic and be a hero? Yeah, it counts.
I was gonna say "I think that's Mistborn" but no, "The world will break you and eexpect you to perform feats of heroism despite that, and maybe nobody will stand up for what's right with you and maybe you'll be alone and broken and traumatized in doing what's right, but damnit, maybe you won't" is
really a running theme in Sanderson's books huh
I'd totally forgotten that mistings had to "snap," but yeah it's a part of Stormlight I've thought about a lot Trying to remember if any of the other investiture powers required trauma or not I don't think the one from Elantris did
I've not read Elantris so I can't comment on that one. Reckoners absolutely qualifies IMO. Breath probably too?
(The Breath one is mainly bc you gotta get your Breaths from other people and that shit suuuuuucks but it's not the *worst* ig)
Elantris kinda does, yeah. At least, the "main" one, there's one or two other manifestations of investiture shown, and I don't think they all do, but becoming Elantrean makes you fundamentally Other in an inescapable way
But it’s not inherently traumatic.
True. The trauma is all from what happens when you are Elantrean, not a part of gaining the investiture. Of the ones I've read, I think it's actually my favorite, setting-wise. Warbreaker is a close second