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Mother, student, gamer, smart-ass, writer, lupus dx, basseteer and lowriders for life. Strong political commentary. Will curse. She/her. I make mistakes, doing my best to learn from them.
Derp kitty, 14 years old this month, looking regal. Happy Birthday, my sweet boi.
Kidbutt's new nickname is "Lokibutt" because this kid is a chaos gremlin.
I told dogbutt he's a lazy dog, and he ripped a fart so foul that it could peel paint. Goddamned bassets. Big Fart Energy (BFE).
Really wild to consider that one political party subscribes to a 900+ page manifesto about how they will destroy the government and the mainstream news really has not addressed this in the depth that it should be considered.
Okay, sightings today: 1. Cybertruck 2. Cybertruck with business wrap and out-off-tate area code. 3. Albino squirrel. 4. A dead bald eaglet in the median. 5. Cybertruck about 1 minute after. Please, what kind if divine message is this? Lmfao
Saw two Cybertrucks and then an albino squirrel on the way home. If it's an omen, I have fuck all idea what it means.
As I was Armor All-ing my dash, I was reminded of the pleather bench seat in my first car, a bright orange Citation. I used to Armor All that seat so people would slam into the door when I turned fast. Why yes, a few people learned why seat belts are important.
I am in awe.
With schoolmates, Sarah Akinbuwa picked up love of crocheting as a 12-year-old in Nigeria. Now living in Somerville, the 18-year-old is winning acclaim for a bright pink, floor-length prom dress adorned with roses plus a matching shrug and handbag. Sharing her progress, she made ensemble in 3 days!
A Somerville teen crocheted her prom dress in three days. Her video of the design process went Sarah Akinbuwa remembers the days when she was bullied over her love of crocheting, a hobby she picked up with her circle of schoolmates as a 12-year-old in Nigeria.
Today's thought, eugenics also targeted poverty as a specific argument to sterilize, since it was viewed a moral failing.
The double commentary here is that King George (III) was nuttier than a shithouse rat. Like a certain orange candidate.
Eagerly awaiting "E Pluribus Unum" to be redone as "Dieu et mon droit" or some variation therein.
This SCOTUS is a crash course in how tyrants are elected: legally and with the full-throated support of the other branches of government, especially the judiciary. The demarcation of when we crossed the Rubicon will be debated for ages, but the primary takeaway is FUCK THE GOP.
Fuck SCOTUS. Going back to play some more Far Cry 6 and use my sniper rifle in it, a lot. Today is a headshot day.
If you see this, post a picture from your phone but don't explain it
The only way this movie will end is if the mayor is eaten by a flying shark.
Solid post. May need to trim the bush.
The concept of judicial review seems so fucking quaint now.
People should probably get familiar with history like the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire and the Johnstown Flood, or the myriad instances of food poisoning that helped launch the FDA, because the Chevron rulings wants to prevent companies from being held liable.
Looked over and kidbutt was eating butt paste, so today is going swimmingly.
I sometimes wonder about how many relationship conversations and/or musings revolved around the question of who farted.
Just saw a shirt that said "Jesus Jesus Jesus " and thinking that fucker doesn't have Beetlejuice rules.
Cynically thinking that women are intentionally not told about the weird and gross things your body will do as you age so as to gin up the money from doctor's visits when you come in all freaked out about it.
Kidbutt's morning person for this ABA therapy called off again, so now I'm wondering if he's such a holy terror that he's single-handedly nuking staffing there.
Kidbutt has the charging adapter for his Tonies cube on the floor and is dancing circles around it, and now I'm wondering if summoning an elder god is in his purview.
Somewhat niche: Sotha Sil is basically Elon Musk. Cult and all.
goooooooooood morning campers and welcome to trash tuesday. just like a comet it’s here now and who knows when it’ll be back again so give it all you got show me those brain worms and let’s have some fun
The best description of my mother I can give you is the time she sent my birthday present to our old address - 3 hours one way - and then said I must not care because I refused to drive and get it. Also, it was my fault because I never gave her my new address (I did). /1
Kidbutt has reached the stage of potty training that involves peeing everywhere, and I'm about to lose my fucking mind.
Just want to point out that this is a form of eugenics, will be abused to punish minorities especially, and if it ramps up, will be justified for other criminal categories.
Jeff Landry signs bill allowing surgical castration of some sex The punishment could apply to certain offenders whose victims are under 13.