
I don’t expect random laypeople to have read or understand the democratic convention’s rules. I do kind of expect a senior politics reporter at rolling stone to know Biden dropping out turns the convention into an undirected shitshow not just “and now it’s Harris”
It really is a tough choice between spending the next four months generating cringe but effective propaganda about how pretty and tough the first female president who is also Black/Asian is, versus spending those months trying to convince voters dementia isn’t a word in the dictionary
Even as a layperson, wouldn't she still have to then get the nomination like anyone else would? It's not like if Biden resigns right now and she takes over the office, it's a party nomination for the next election.
Yes and no. The primaries are already over, ~3,900 of the ~4,700 delegates are pledged for Biden. If he drops out they're released to unpledged and can vote for anyone who submits a form to the DNC at least one day before the convention. It'd be a *shitshow* way worse than a primary.
That's what I mean, it wouldn't automatically be her, she'd have to throw her hat in the ring separately along with anyone else who wants to have a go at it.