Andrew Parker

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Andrew Parker

Formerly of the birdsite as Apark2453, but staking my claim to the full name!

Lawyer, overanalyzer of godawful subcultures, always up to dunk on some chuds.

If you’re into all of that too… I’m sorry, but welcome friend!
There’s so much weird here but I’m stuck on why her metric would be her assumption of what a hundred women would say about what kinks men had rather than… you know… any surveys of men?
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
The thing that always baffles me is how much easier and less work it is to not be a scumbag. You can just… not go out of your way to be a piece of shit and it’s so much less of a hassle.
God I wish Warren Ellis hadn’t turned out to be such a prick; there are so many Transmetropolitan and Planetary panels I want to post to describe my feelings about The National Situation
The Democratic Party had a primary in 2023-2024 the same as it had in any other election cycle. The only “they” who gave Biden the nomination are the voters. Kind of weird to defend the “popular will” of a poll as more sacrosanct than the popular will of voters in an election.
February 2023. This is the moment they decided to ignore popular will and hold a coronation of a damaged and declining candidate. They depended on Trump being worse to manufacture consent for a historically unpopular candidate.
It’s both depressing and hilarious that so many on the left can look at a successful decades-long strategy of republicans consistently showing up to vote and honestly go “don’t say voting can accomplish anything”.
In the sense that the president couldn’t be prosecuted for giving the order, probably. I’m not 100% sure what he’d have been charged with before But a lot of the discussion of this blurs the distinction between “can’t be prosecuted for making the order” and “can’t be prosecuted for carrying it out”
right. the president could order troops to suppress protesters using live fire and the supreme court would extend that absolute immunity
This is true but also something Biden could have done yesterday Any president could do a Saturday Night Massacre until the DOJ did what he wanted, and I’m unaware of any criminal statute this would have violated The thing stopping a sane president from doing this was never a threat of prosecution
Under today’s immunity decision, Biden could order AG Garland to immediately prosecute Thomas and Alito for corruption and insurrection. (Official act). If Garland refuses, Biden can fire him and replace him with someone who will. (Official act) I would suggest Elie Mystal.
I’ll admit it’s funny to read “ugh people getting inspired by a scene from a Disney show, silly fools don’t they know Disney doesn’t care” from folks who ran “here are the lessons about activism you can learn from a final fantasy game (including that it’s weird to feel bad about killing civilians)”
Hot takes that are going to be infuriating over the next weeks and months: “The Supreme Court said the president can do whatever he wants so Biden could totally do X but won’t”.
I’m seeing some “OMG voting against Trump in 2016 would only have delayed this” and I’ll be honest I’m giggling a bit as these goobers getting rushed to the ER and declining to have their open stab wound sewn shut because “it’s only delaying my death”
I’ve really tried to soften on the people who made a bad call in 2016 based on the premise that things couldn’t be that much worse under Trump But damned if I don’t want everyone talking about “see we did vote for the lesser evil in 2020 and it didn’t undo letting a fascist win in 2016” to fuck off
The only people who benefit from a fatalistic belief that the right-wing has irrevocably won (and nothing can be gained by ensuring they don’t win elections) is the right-wing. They want you demoralized. They want you focused on “why didn’t the democrats stop this” to distract from hating the GOP
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
You can tell there’s some bullshit going on from the fact that the article compares LBJ dropping out after the New Hampshire primary when there was still an entire rest of the primary to decide the candidate, and asking Biden to drop out after *already winning the primary*.
There’s a lot of takes about how Biden couldn’t be prosecuted for sending SEAL Team Six after the Justices, which is true but would likely still be a crime for the SEALS to carry out. What looks like couldn’t be prosecuted is Biden himself shooting them.
Remember the heady days of 2016 when the complaint about the DNC was that it's horrific that a party even *possibly* had the power to override the results of a primary and change the candidate from the winner of the most pledged delegates?
What in the fuck "organized process" was supposed to happen in a candidate deciding whether to run? The "organized process" for deciding the nominee is the primary (ended this month, Biden won). Fucking Peter David out here like "well ackshually no one wrote a pros/cons list"
What in the blue fuck is the word “oligarchy” doing in here to mean “group of trusted advisers and friends”? My god, get a fucking grip.
Yes, the primaries which wrapped up earlier this month are the mechanism by which a candidate is selected. The winner of those is the candidate. What "normal" mechanism do you think should exist for overriding the primary voters to pick a different candidate because you know better than them?
“Nothing can be done at this late date” is probably true but there are almost 130 days to election day, enough time for normal countries to contain an entire campaign beginning to end with plenty of room to spare
It's wild how much we can acknowledge that Trump's political support is mostly a cult of personality among conspiracists and far-right fascists for whom "less batshit" republicans are along for the ride, while also thinking that A non-Trump Republican would keep them while also being more popular.
For me it's the dissonance between the argument that "serve his country" means creating the best chance of beating Trump, while themselves bending over backwards to present pro-Trump views and create false equivalences between Trump and Biden.
been trying to place the the cognitive dissonance I feel with “to serve his country, Biden should step aside” and I think it’s that no one would ever suggest that Trump should do something that puts the country first
Like… y’all, Loper Bright was a bad decision that’s going to dramatically hamper what regulatory agencies are able to do and fuck up a lot of things. But it fucks things up in a way that just can’t be described as “courts now make the regulations”.
I need a term for “I understand and agree with the prevailing sentiment that this is bad but the phrasing of why it’s bad by a lot of people is bullshit”
I need a term for “I understand and agree with the prevailing sentiment that this is bad but the phrasing of why it’s bad by a lot of people is bullshit”
Persistently double-down on how Biden really should step aside, then either (a) claim their coverage pushed him to campaign better if he wins, or (b) do huge “I told you so” articles and hope that mollifies the fascists enough to keep them around.
So, like, okay, the Times is now explicitly anti-Biden. Where the hell does it go from here? You already blew the load and called for him to step down, there's a lot of campaign time left, the actual debate impact doesn't look that significant... like what's the plan here going forward?
I can’t see the name Dvorak without telling this story from a couple of years ago: I was talking to my wife about the problem of inertia in making big changes in society (in the context of single-payer healthcare) and brought up how much more efficient the Dvorak keyboard is. 1/
A music school near me has free recital for the community every month. They’re really good, it’s a college in Montecito for people who aren’t pros but have spent their lives learning their instrument Anyway I’m turning off my phone and going to listen to Dvořák and not think about politics. Bye
There’s a lot to point out is abject bullshit in Roberts’ opinion. But the most slipshod part is that it doesn’t provide a new standard for resolving ambiguous statutes If, as Roberts seems to believe, the courts can make all statutes non-ambiguous, Chevron would simply be universally inapplicable
Roberts, overruling Chevron with incredible and unearned hubris: "Perhaps most fundamentally, Chevron’s presumption is misguided because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do."
On the one hand this is already a problem with the Daubert test and leads to a ton of bad science being part of court cases so this isn’t an entirely new era. On the other hand *this is already a problem* so making it worse is *bad*.
Overturning Chevron is going to usher in an era where self-taught judicial expertise in technical areas such as chemistry, statistics, mechanical engineering, biology, geomorphology, epidemiology, mathematics, and many other fields will once more be able to shine forth as it did in the Middle Ages.
I read the article to remind myself and, oddly, I don’t find any mention of “Biden actually himself promised he wouldn’t run”. Instead I see a ship of Theseus needed to turn “advisors said they talked about it” into “him secretly indicating it to insiders” into “he promised l”
Do people not remember this?
If an anonymous source’s prominence needs that many qualifiers I’m willing to bet they found one dude who does market research for Actblue (this claims he’s an adviser to a major party donor”) who’s apoplectic.
My god man get a hold of yourselves.
Having not watched the debate I’m going to make three predictions: 1. Trump said some absolute bigoted bullshit that no one really challenged 2. Biden’s instinct towards gentility means he’s not punching back at Trump’s barbs 3. Biden still has a stutter which will be given the same gravity as #1
On the one hand the concept is terrible. On the other hand the only evidence of it actually existing is a CGI mockup makes me pretty confident this will go the way of the Amico.
oh my god now there's a "future of prison" startup that says it will use AI and brain implants to plant fake memories into the brains of criminals, "rehabilitating" them in minutes instead of years and I am going to spend the rest of the day screaming now
Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Discover how AI and brain implants are transforming rehabilitation. Read more on Cognify's innovative prison concept now!
As with many things, I blame crypto. The fact that Atari was able to get a huge stock price bump announcing two stupid cryptocurrencies gave executives some very bad ideas about how just saying “we too are doing the next big thing” could make their RSU’s worth way more with no downside for them.
C-suites have always made bafflingly dumb choices about implementing new tech, but it does feel like executives are making those dumb choices at a much faster, more dangerous rates nowadays
Toby on a tummy on a Thursday.