
Nothing like an election season to make “dude who writes at Gizmodo” into an expert on dementia. And one who should be world-renowned, even neurologists wouldn’t claim they can diagnose dementia without ever meeting or speaking to the patient.
And none of this “oh well it’s like calling Trump a narcissist” crap. “Narcissist” has a meaning in common parlance separate from its medical diagnosis. “Has dementia” does not, especially not when referring to people who have “seen dementia firsthand”.
I have seen it first hand, so I only use it when I'm DAMN certain. And I'll say that Trump is showing almost all the signs when speaking in public. I'm about 90% sure he has either dementia. Not sure on the social aspects of it, though, as he was always a fucking racist rapist prick.
That said, I'm not a psychologist/Psychiatrist, so technically not an expert. I do want to say that Trump shows ALL the signs of clinical narcissism, too. Like, every last one. Honestly kinda impressive on that one.