
Y’all, I literally got a primary ballot, filled it in, mailed it back, and looked up the results after Election Day If you want to make a bullshit argument to disregard the primary at least say something dumb like “it doesn’t count if it wasn’t close”, don’t try to gaslight us that it didn’t happen
I think that a lot of people would say that "didn't have a primary" in the fact that no one really ran, of significance, and some places canceled them because of that. Much was made of the lack of turnout in a lot of places because of that. So while not true on its face, eh...
You can try to “well ackshually” that bullshit into some kind of point, but even that point is asinine. First, turnout was higher than any prior Democratic-incumbent presidential primary. Second “no one serious wanted to lose badly for no reason” isn’t evidence of anything but sanity.
this is the very obvious honest person's reading of what I said yes lol obviously there were primaries in the literal, on paper sense. I voted in one! but they meant nothing and everyone knew it. the closest we got to democracy was in states where people were allowed to put "nobody" as an option
They meant nothing? They determined who got the delegates! And Biden trounced "nothing", and all other options, in every state. So why is your feeling that he shouldn't be the nominee more relevant that the actual votes that say he is?
You mean they gauged their chances and determined that avoiding losing to Biden was more important than a longshot chance at beating an incumbent? Shocking! The 2020 GOP field was similarly missing anyone of substance, because the incumbent has such a dominant advantage.