
The r/rpg subreddit seems to devote a disproportionate amount of time to hating on DnD 5e.
For all the reasons i’ve been told 5e has problems, the hatedom for it reeks of contrarian online edginess
I sort of get the frustration if you discover a new system and nobody in your circle wants to try it out. But I also suspect that lots of these people are very young and very keen to show that they're Above The Common Herd.
DnD is the grandaddy of ttrpgs. Old folks homes and the like will have dnd night when people our age are in our 70’s. It’s iconic and straightforward enough to make even new players not feel like they’re lost.
5e is probably the best DnD edition in a long time (probably the best ruleset since 3.5) and is wildly popular. So you get a bunch of people who get very hoity toitu when nobody wants to play Shadowrun, no matter how biblically proportioned the ruleset is
I think 5e is really good, better than 3.5! It's got less cognitive load on players and (especially) DM, but there's enough crunch that you can still be decently simulationist. But because of that, yeah, people wnt to be outside of the mainstream, to feel like they've got their own niche thing.
I am sure most of it is the usual edgelord/gatekeeper thing. "If it is popular it must suck." That said, WotC did themselves no good by trying to back away from the OGL.