Andrew Reeves

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Andrew Reeves

I'm a history professor at Middle Georgia State University. I hold a PhD in medieval studies and post entirely too much about my cats and hobbies.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect those of my employer.
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One very slightly taboo topic of the world wars is how startlingly horny they all were, and not just the soldiers.
My dad gave me a case filled with letters from my grandpa to my grandma when he was in the army in World War III and the first one I opened was this poem he sent her. Grandpa nooooo
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Reeves
The danger of speccing entirely for fighting the 1 type of enemy you've seen so far
Yet another misfortune that befell a king of Rohan: Folca, who murdered every orc in Rohan only to be killed by a boar
Seeing people over on Txitter trying to diagnose POTUS for Parkinson's and it gets me to thinking in general about looking to people in the past and trying to diagnose them with even less evidence than twenty minutes of TV.
One thing I like about Bluesky's blocking mechanism is that it's tailored to prevent rubbernecking. I like it!
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Reeves
Every August, typeface designers flock to the middle of the desert for a week of sex & drugs, and they erect a large wooden word with all the spacing fucked up. They call it Kerning Man
The r/rpg subreddit seems to devote a disproportionate amount of time to hating on DnD 5e.
Also: I've been very good at eating the Stilton I bought in moderation, since I know that suddenly assaulting my system with too much blue cheese could be... catastrophic. (Blue cheese wsa something I found gross until the first time I tried a Stilton, and then I found out that I loved it.)
There's a Korean market right down the street from where I'm staying. So if I decide to eat a microwave Cornish pasty from Tesco Express or bread and stilton, I usually eat kimchi on the side, and I think that both of those combinations are amazing.
There's a Korean market right down the street from where I'm staying. So if I decide to eat a microwave Cornish pasty from Tesco Express or bread and stilton, I usually eat kimchi on the side, and I think that both of those combinations are amazing.
Even in theoretically transcendent religions, your lay believer often has notions like this, sometimes not explicitly articulated.
My FIL eats at In N Out every day when they come visit us, but won't eat beef in India. Asked him why and he said "The Gods don't travel, it's OK if I do it here" lol
I also Do Not Like that the very worst people are picking up that particular baton with the whole Classical Curriculum thing. But that's all the more reason not to concede historical memory to The Bad People.
Was the old Columbia-inspired Western Civilization sequence problematic with its teleological focus on Western Civilization as Science, Freedom, and Democracy? Yes. I also think that connecting American undergrads to the pre-history of American culture, ideals, and institutions was a Good Thing.
Was the old Columbia-inspired Western Civilization sequence problematic with its teleological focus on Western Civilization as Science, Freedom, and Democracy? Yes. I also think that connecting American undergrads to the pre-history of American culture, ideals, and institutions was a Good Thing.
Seriously, though, I'm having fun with a sermon collection that I stumbled across when I was working on some works on confession in Anglo-Norman (the French of medieval England) that is great because it's just a fantastic example of what a sermon for parish priests would look like.
It's seriously crazy the extent to which I feel recharged after even a day with manuscripts. Ran into two of my academic siblings in the reading room as well. But big boo to the BL for going back to the old No Photography policy. 😡
Amused by the marginal note in this sermon. "Third: [a man] takes a wife because of desire of the flesh." (Tertius: uxorem ducit quia voluptas carnis.)
Time to mute the political observation I tossed off over morning coffee.
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"Lie close," Laura said, Pricking up her golden head: "We must not look at goblin men. We must not buy their fruits. Who knows upon what soil they fed Their hungry, thirsty roots?" - Christina Rossetti, "Goblin Market" 🎨Arthur Rackham #BookWormSat #BookChatWeekly #31DaysofHaunting
Anyway, time for a morning shower and then off to the Reading Room!
If you find this crazy-making, you could channel the nerves into perhaps finding a county Democratic Party in Michigan, PA, or Georgia that could use a financial donation that would let them actually hire canvassers.
This site is that it's made up of over-educated lefties and left-liberals who follow the news incredibly closely. November's election depends on a couple of hundred thousand of moderately engaged to unengaged white midwesterners who'll see approximately zero of our shouting back and forth.
This site is that it's made up of over-educated lefties and left-liberals who follow the news incredibly closely. November's election depends on a couple of hundred thousand of moderately engaged to unengaged white midwesterners who'll see approximately zero of our shouting back and forth.
Early modern institutional history people: what say you?
i wonder whether and to what extent the Book of Numbers was a model for modern census-taking
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Reeves
Instead of switching candidates, they should try building a special chair for Biden. Maybe deep underground, under the Himalayas. You hook him up to that and it keeps him alive, somehow. Maybe it's made of gold and powered by psychic energy from human sacrifice
Also, it's wild that their flagship store with exhibitions, displays, events, and the like is literally right next to the plant where they make the stuff.
You often see a close reading of Mark done as a Bible study. I found Andrew Rilstone's Mark's Version to be much better for that than Borg's little book (which has all of Borg's weaknesses). Yes, a self-published book by a reviewer and game designer is better.
Mark's Miracles that don't work first time; disciples who seem to be wilfully stupid; deliberately impenetrable parables; sarcastic Romans, a noticeable lack of moral instruction; no resurrection -- and an ...
Turns out the real Magic of Stories is using your star power to get your dick wet with women many decades your junior. (I have always said you'll be disappointed if you think of your favorite creator as your buddy.)
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Reeves
1) Man, I am glad I got to see Hamilton live at last, and even better to have done so in London on the Fourth. 2) Honestly, it is deeply weird about America that a rap musical about the fiscal-military state would be one of the most successful musicals of all time.
After tonight I'll go back to worrying about my liberal-democratic republic, but tonight, happy 4th!
Regarding a certain set of allegations, I instantly believe the first part, to wit, an aging divorced guy taking sexual advantage of a star-struck young woman decades his junior. As for the even worse part of the allegations, I don't want them to be true but would be unsurprised if they were.
The British Museum apparently doesn't take its Hokusais out very often -- apparently being on display will wash out the color -- but the gift shop had postcareds of The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife and... idk... I guess that once you're over a century+ old tentacle porn can become capital-A Art?