
watching people suddenly talk about wanting to leave the country makes me nostalgic for literally any conversation i've ever had with any person of color ever
I said this on Twitter but: my husband is Jewish and I am black. Where are we gonna go exactly.
genuinely funny to me how a lot of these white people are only considering Europe they're like i have to flee to Paris i'm like baby Paris smells bad but ok
imogen: love the wild, wacky idea that "my country is electing a fascist so I'll go live in France instead" makes any level of sense. envisioning the ridiculous scenario of Americans fleeing to and from a series of European countries as they all turn out to be fascist-infested hellholes
So the wild thing is I just saw a TikTok where some dude was saying Hungary and Turkiye are great places to flee to without even mentioning that they're captured democracies run by right-wing parties under a fascist who hates queers and non-whites.
Not even just lie, just spout half-researched bullshit passed off as fact said with completely unearned confidence! It's sheer idiocy.