
I count six negotiated settlements of encampments so far. All of them (I think) commit the university to followup in the fall. Students win, admin wins, everyone gets to take the summer off before resuming.
Northwestern, Rutgers, Evergreen, Minnesota, Riverside, Brown. Four public, two private.
Turns out when both sides talk to each other it’s good.
Bryn Mawr appears to be... *trying* to negotiate their way out of the protests? I have no idea how good or bad faith their negotiations are. (My mom and mother-in-law are both Bryn Mawr alums, which is why I've kept an eye on it for deployment-during-arguments purposes.)
It seems notable how modest the concessions the protesters were asking for turned out to be. Really underscores how bonkers it is that anyone decided letting an army of cops brutalize everyone was the better or 'less disruptive' option.
America has been hostile, often violently, to protests to the left of the status quo since about 10 minutes after the Constitution was signed. We've gotten very good at pretending those positions were mainstream all along after the fact; Abolition, Civil Rights, Vietnam, Iraq; just to name a few.
We've also gotten very good at rolling back the successes of left victories while pretending to have kept those gains and made more progress on them. (See also: Women's Suffrage/rights and Worker's rights/Unions)
Gonna be interesting to see 1) how many/if any of the schools actually follow up and 2) whether any students hold their feet to the fire on it
It absolutely feels to me that most of these are structured to create conditions for new organizing in the fall.
I suspect that a lot of universities are hoping the Gaza invasion/bombing resolves before Fall semester so they don't have continued student pressure and publicity and can maintain their status quo. It will be interesting to see if that bet pays off.
Invasion will last as long as Netanyahu wishes to use it to remain in power
are they all public universities? the ones I've seen I think are all publics
Northwestern, Rutgers, Evergreen, Minnesota, Evergreen, Brown. Four public, two private.
do we have an update on UVa yet? I thought I saw they were working on a negotiation
A *lot* of campuses are negotiating. No resolution from UVa yet.
may this be the start. University presidents are herd animals, if enough of 'em negotiate, maybe we'll see an end to this violence.
Especially if all that's required of them is to commit to a vote.
Northwestern I think is also private?
ahh OK I hadn't seen the news about Brown (or I did and forgot, it's been one of those weeks)
Columbia could have grabbed a small win too, but the amnesty terms offered would require new protesters in the fall or a delay until December
As a parent of an exceptional high school student, this is something I am paying attention to and will take into account in our future decisions (well, he’ll be really in charge, but he’s lot like me, if also different)