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The Dark Side of the Posts is a pathway to many replies some consider to be unnatural. This medicine can’t fix stab. Not a real doctor (or Sith Lord).
Look to my coming at first light on the 5th day. At dawn, look to the East
He has arrived.
Reposted byAvatar Revan
aaand predictably, Sulz has started the anti-Kamala attacks ,guy really thinks he can swing the election to whoever won't raise his taxes, this POS needs to be put back in place the American people ASAP
Reposted byAvatar Revan
my hot take is that the president should be and live like a normal human, and so I reject the premise that the president must work 130 hour weeks and never be well-rested. he has dozens of staffers who can cover shifts!
I think that maybe the President should be well rested and sleep more if he's making dozens of critical decisions each day. Believe it or not, he has a few staffers who can wake him up if needed.
Reposted byAvatar Revan
The fact they're simultaneously running don't vote campaigns and trying to undermine the dem candidate is proof that the moneybags who own these publications are united in realizing their robber baron days are drawing to a close under a guy who is the most pro labour president of the 21st century
Reposted byAvatar Revan
I shouldn’t have this much money. Also:
I’d like it known that I was ahead of the pack thinking she was a clown
abigail disney’s staggering hypocrisy here is one of the many ways in which you get reminded that even when astronomically wealthy people pay lip service to equality and progressive politics, they understand that the rules they themselves agree with in theory will not be applicable to them
Reposted byAvatar Revan
not a columnist, eh. fixable (threatening)
i refuse to believe that americans who watched the debate think that biden’s first 15 minutes are somehow stronger evidence of old age decline than falling asleep, *in public*, DURING YOUR OWN FUCKING CRIMINAL TRIAL, *IN COURT IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE AND JURY*, but, you know, i’m not a columnist.
One of my favorite Music League comments I’ve gotten
Reposted byAvatar Revan
We are farther from the start of WWII than it was from the Civil War.
Reposted byAvatar Revan
In the future, everyone will be Musgrave for fifteen minutes
i mean an actual revolution would kill millions just from the collapse of all government services, to say nothing of sectarian conflict and pogroms. a lot of social media revolutionaries might just die. many would. i think it’s worth avoiding if we can!
We are farther from the debut of The West Wing, than the debut of the West Wing was from the first episode of Saturday Night Live
Excellent thread
Americans have a real problem with older people and the concept of aging. The culture is rife with ageism. It’s going to official bite us in the ass if we don’t address it. Wow.
Reposted byAvatar Revan
Note: My mother is journeying through Alzheimer’s and the jokes I’m hearing about the disease enrage me. 🖕🏾🖕🏾 I also know what it looks like. That’s not what I see with Biden. I see an old slower man, who still can and is willing (for some reason) to work, even if he has his moments.
Picture unrelated
if this was really about who is mentally fit to be president, trump and RFK, jr. have both, repeatedly, over many years in public life, demonstrated that they’re incapable of working through logical patterns of thought or process to establish the veracity of outlandish claims. seems important.
The guy who has been famed for malapropisms since he was a 30 something senator making a verbal gaff at age 80? Shocking.
It's also extremely routine, no more surprising than the guy who was President Obama's gaff machine being inarticulate in public
Reposted byAvatar Revan
2 of the top 3 candidates for the US presidency have shown a repeated willingness to believe any conspiracy dangled in front of them like a set of keys, including wildly anti-american ones, which are straightforward cognitive deficiencies for what we should demand in a president. neither are biden.
i mean, he means he won’t take sides on the “theory” of whether the US government did 9/11 or not, but that doesn’t make this any less insane
Normally I’d block a person for appearing to back accelerationism, but a bunch of my mutuals seem to follow them, so I’ll just mute. Likely they’re just having an off day.
and yes I find Americans who are obsessed with British royalty pathetic lickspittles thanks for asking
I don’t even understand RFK’s theory of his case at this point
The President of the Untied States should take sides on 9/11. Foreign terrorists killing nearly 3,000 Americans is one of those things an American leader should take sides on.
Damn Brit ruining a banger by putting it to church music
Sounds like The White Cockade was the original intent
Reposted byAvatar Revan
If I had a pound for every time the Labour party entered office with a majority while winning less votes than in the crushing defeat it got in the election before, I’d have two nickels, which is not a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
Joe Biden is both senile and unfit but also should absolutely seriously do a coup. I am a serious person /s
Median voter (derogatory) (cursed) (pariah) (nonsensical) Still infinitely better than anyone on the NYT op Ed page other than Bouie and Krugman
The reality is that most voters in America don't have cohesive political desires, don't know what is or is not political, and are largely tuned into jokes, memes, and vibes if they're tuned in at all. They don't exactly sit around and think long, deep thoughts to make sure their views are cohesive.
Reposted byAvatar Revan