Angus McIntyre

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Angus McIntyre

SF/F author (“The Warrior Within” etc.) Photographer. Programmer. Allegedly sentient mammal. Contents may settle after packing. [he/him] - SF/F writing - Photos & more - Travel & photo blog
Cormac’n’cheese McCarthy
Did everybody already say Rigatoni Morrison
You hear that? That’s the sound of a thousand “Biden must go” newspaper editorials being hastily rewritten as “With Biden gone, Democrats are still in trouble.”
I like to imagine that Joe Biden’s going to use his new-found freedom and his presidential immunity to go on an absolute killing spree. Four months of non-stop malarkey. Untouchable, beyond remorse, beyond the law. Fear the rise of Dark Brandon.
On Caturday, as on other days, it is important to have your work checked by your supervisors.
The drummer for Men Without Hats is wearing a Stetson. There is literally nothing you can trust any more.
The backstory infodump for the near-future dystopian novels I am working on includes a character saying: "We don't even talk about what happened to the United States." The question of "what happened to the United States" is left to the reader to imagine, but they may not need to imagine it. #SFF
“The Grand Dark” is great: smart, atmospheric and vivid(*). Buy it. (*) Maybe “vivid” isn’t the word for something that I picture as being mostly in shades of gray and black. But maybe it is.
It's publication day for the Best of British Science-Fiction 2023, which includes my short story “Boojum” as well as a host of other great stories from other writers. Paperback only for now, ebook to follow. Get it from or your preferred bookstore.
It's late where I am, but I think a last-minute Caturday picture will do us all good.
As someone who has recently been (in order) an Internet virologist/epidemiologist, aviation safety expert, bridge engineer, criminal defense lawyer and constitutional scholar, here's my informed opinion on what exactly the Democrats are getting wrong in the US election.
As someone who watches a lot of BBC shows on cable, here's my insider take on the left's surprising victory in the UK election
Reposted byAvatar Angus McIntyre
We’re less than $2K away from bringing my lost novel, KAMIKAZE L’AMOUR, back into print! With 3 days to go can we push it over the top? Please take a look and consider backing it. Thanks!
KAMIKAZE L' Nervous Breakdown Edition
Can't decide between a tabby and a calico for your Caturday treat? ¿Porque no los dos?
Reposted byAvatar Angus McIntyre
Reposted byAvatar Angus McIntyre
HAPPY FRIDAY my people, today is a good day to pick up a book by a HUGE LARGE BUG! "WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY BOOKS OUT" I don't know, do we want a little guide or something?? I can do that!
Reposted byAvatar Angus McIntyre
The project to being my long lost novel, KAMIKAZE L’AMOUR, back into print is doing well, but with 10 days to go, it could use some help to push it over the top. Please take a look at the project and consider backing it. Thanks!
KAMIKAZE L' Nervous Breakdown Edition
Even though it's Caturday, our current foster (Chonkenstein's Monster, Count Chonkula, other names TBD) continues to be unamused.
It's time to renew my ProofOfCat. This is our current house guest, a charming creature whose only major flaw is a tendency to sit on your head at 3AM. He is a solid beast, so although he came to us already named, I have been referring to him as Chonkenstein's Monster. #ProofOfCat
"Kamikaze l'Amour" is a great & far too little-known SF novel. Depending on who you ask, it reads like a J. G. Ballard novel written by Richard Kadrey, or a Richard Kadrey novel written by J. G. Ballard. Or neither of those things. Anyway, it's great. Back the man's Kickstarter & see for yourself.
Shipping price glitches have been fixed! I’m bringing my long lost novel, KAMIKAZE L’AMOUR, back into print in both print and ebook formats. There’s even a limited super media edition. This book is very close to my heart. I hope you’ll consider backing it. Thanks!
KAMIKAZE L' Nervous Breakdown Edition
It’s heart-warming to see the traditional British holiday, Everyone Throw Milkshakes at Nigel Farage Day, being so enthusiastically celebrated. It’s a reminder that this isn’t some lifeless and antiquated ritual, but part of a vibrant cultural tradition that still has meaning today.
Reposted byAvatar Angus McIntyre
Even though they’ve been around for over 400 million years, horseshoe crabs still need a hand sometimes! It was fun to help out the struggling ones as we watched the action 😂
Reposted byAvatar Angus McIntyre
There's just five hours left in Give Out Day! We're at 84 of the hoped for 250 donors. Can you help us fill in those gold stars before time runs out, and keep accurate, inclusive, queer sex ed available to young people around the world?
The walls are gonna be running red with ketchup tonight.
I'm not really down with this whole "trying to breed the Kwisatz Haderach" thing, but I will admit that the idea of the Butlerian Jihad is sounding increasingly attractive.
Reposted byAvatar Angus McIntyre
I don't know if it's possible to get a thousand new patrons, It seems unlikely. But it also seems like it's a last-ditch effort worth trying. Again, please, I could use your support.
Get more from Jonathan Rosenberg on creating Comics
This comfortable kitty from Paraty, Brazil, wishes you all a restful Caturday.
can't even enjoy visiting Staffordshire any more, because of Stoke
can't even make Renaissance style art anymore, because of baroque
Avatar Can I ask what happened to the ebook of “Rose/House” which no longer seems to be on sale in English anywhere? It was on my ‘to-buy’ list, so I’m curious to know if it’ll be back, but I understand if you don’t know or aren’t able to talk about it just now for whatever reason.