Nora Reed (they/them ze/hir)

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Nora Reed (they/them ze/hir)

botmaker, jeweler, queer, kobold. they/them ze/hir noradotzone (at) gmail (dot) com
Having a lot of thoughts this week about parasociality and how overidentification with public figures and their work results in a reflexive rejection of accusations of wrongdoing not just because it shatters an illusion, but because it feels like a personal attack.
the concept of a pizza ATM is disturbing because it implies withdrawing or depositing pizza
y’all they got pizza vending machines out here
*At a party* STRANGER: Are you that guy who brags about weird shit? ME: No I’m the guy who takes the longest baths in the city.
ah it's the day of the year where the people who are furiously pro the troops let off a hundred explosives by their PTSD affected neighbors, who are often the troops
Obviously fireworks are cool to look at and of course I have a *certain kind* of patriotism about the American Idea, but also it never doesn't seem fucked up that the biggest global military hegemony celebrates our nation's birth by pretending to bomb ourselves.
i was becoming overwhelmed with despair so i'm playing dwarf fortress
how much do you have to donate to get a phone call from the president on your birthday, do you think. like are we talking more or less than a cameo
Step down for the birthday boys
Step down for the birthday boys
getting the surgery, all willy nilly
marijuana is happening to me :)
They gave Hilary Cass a peerage. Enjoy your election victory but I’m not gonna wake tomorrow up feeling any safer or more optimistic as a trans woman. To me it’s just Friday. 🤷‍♀️
pvp is heartwarming. you’d think people would be rude, but everyone lets you suck their nuts when you die
Wow, real banana republic stuff. I'm glad our presidents can launder money and associate criminally without worrying about this kind of thing.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
just looked at my new torso in a shirt. good shit
Can you do 5 point perspective where the vanishing point is behind you or is that like weird
yeah i read theory
TIL that coleslaw is derived from the Dutch koolsla (cabbage salad). Happy fourth.
i gotta say if this is a problem for you, you gotta have a problem with bluesky because auto labeling swastika content from someone talking about history is basically the ur example of how this content moderation is going to fail and it's baked in
After this week's momentous Supreme Court ruling I posted about the 1933 Enabling Act in Germany as a warning about the dangers of growing totalitarianism. Disappointed to learn labelled it "radical views advocating violence, hate, or discrimination." Very poor job
ah fuck there;s a monster at the end of this book?! it;s so grover
Angel Fact: all dogs DO go to heaven. cats are given the option but most of them refuse. fish have their own separate "Fish Heaven", complete with oyster pearly gates
wait guys I think human connection might be the meaning of life
sort of a side note but it's vaguely offensive how low quality our enemies are as individuals. "i'll publish a piece in the paper of record that says i don't vote, no one will check the publicly available information about that." bottom of the barrel stuff here
i was in therapy how's britain going. please keep in mind the only thing i care about is trans people
This helped me a lot too, and I forget less than I used to thanks to my lil reversible cat
There’s a New Message for You in MyChart, Charlie Brown
{to the tune of “jolene”} My weed, my weed, my weed, my weeeee-eeeed
The DNC: Here eat this shit Also the DNC: Hey stop eating the shit wrong, eat it like we want u to
I wish people would stop using the transphobia of the British press to defend an author they're unwilling to contend with. I don't like it either! Maybe the industry shouldn't protect two-faced behavior until some shithead scoops it!
This but unironically.