
Millennials it is essential that we keep our “hmm none of my business” perspective on the trends of people younger than us lest we befall the same fate as Gen X (boomers 2.0 but more annoying somehow)
What are people in their 20s up to? Dunno, hope they’re having a good time, I support them in their endeavors to survive this fucking hellscape.
By being terminally online I'm kinda kept up on the youth culture, which helps when my girlfriend comes to me upset that someone on Instagram said her new haircut is "so c--ty" and I have to explain that the youths use that as a compliment now.
it is odd how being extremely online renders a person weirdly and often unwillingly aware of the Youth Slang
My favorite is how there's a subset of words I now know and understand the general contours of meaning-wise, but would never be bold enough to use.