Anil Dash

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Anil Dash

that guy from the internet • waging a victorious 2-front war against cars and xmas • big fan of being a big fan of things
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Why I Don't Vote (OK, I Do Vote, but I Would Like to Discourage You, NY Times Reader, For Doing So For Some Reason) Via
Man, if it turns out that the right winger telling NY Times readers that they should follow his example and not vote did in fact vote in the last two elections, the Times should add this to the piece. Better than a retraction, since it illustrates a willful hypocrisy.
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Just because the world is bad doesn't mean you have to be; try to do good
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honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
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“Electing the Democratic presidential candidate this fall—who, we have every reason to believe, will still be Joe Biden—is the only way to prevent the rise of a corporate-Christian American dictatorship with the criminal Trump at its head, his every whim rubber-stamped by an illegitimate SCOTUS”
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Fucking unbelievable that the big publications are running with this as the lead story after the Supreme Court just promised to install a convicted felon rapist insurrectionist as Emperor for Life.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
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If someone's telling me not to vote, I'd like to know their take on actual policies that are at stake in the election. The NYT, apparently, does not think that's relevant.
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The NYT also allowed him to exclude his partisan inclinations. From the 2018 piece: "In a bland way I hope to see Republicans control various state and national offices. This arises from a single issue: the legality of abortion."
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A lot of people are racist, hateful, bigoted, and these figureheads give them permission to be their worst selves. That's really the long and the short of it.
Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
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If you hear next week that the RNC has "moderated" on abortion by dropping a 20-week-ban from the platform or somesuch, here's me telling you now that it doesn't mean anything close to "moderation" when it's these guys running the show.
Listen Closely to the Men Crafting the GOP’s Anti-Abortion The main dispute within Trump’s Republican Party is not about how severely to punish women for having abortions, but merely how to “frame the argument.”
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I believe that in all our movement work, whatever brand, we should try to meet people where they are.. including emotionally. I also believe that we are in a post-pandemic collective mental health crisis, in part due to not having time/space to grieve. Keep these truths in mind! 4/
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Yascha Mounk tipping his hand that he and the rest of the centrist & right-of-center media would 100% run the Claudine Gay playbook on Kamala Harris
I agree that Harris has significant weaknesses as a politician but this is an incredibly ugly way to put it. Also: A centrist candidate choosing another centrist as his running mate — still not the left's fault! Leftists hate Harris, that's actually one of her weaknesses.
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Banning medical debt from credit reports. Cracking down on junk fees. Banning non-competes. Capping credit card fees. Negotiating drug prices. Expanding OT pay. These Biden policies don't make headlines, but this is what it looks like when government works for the people.
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I've said this to you before a few times: Glitch is amazing, I've used it for silly art projects, Discord bots, teaching introductory programming classes, one-off tools for colleagues, weird prototyping and exploratory work. It's inspired a lot of my current thoughts about the web and web culture
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when I was a child, I thought smart people were in charge. when I got older, I realized you didn't have to be smart to be in charge. but the piece that was hardest to learn is that no one is really in charge at all. no one's going to fix it beyond us.
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The largely silent ad, which will reportedly air in battleground states across the country, features a sequence of headshots depicting politicians, former Trump White House officials, journalists, and seemingly random average Americans with big red X’s over their faces.
New Trump Ad Shows Montage Of People He’ll Kill If PHOENIX—Following this week’s landmark Supreme Court ruling granting presidents broad immunity against criminal prosecution for official acts, Donald Trump’s campaign released an ad Wednesday that con...
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Saw a lady on the street today wearing an Nvidia shirt that said "I am AI", that's going to be haunting me for a while
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When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
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The NYPD restored more than 2,000 missing discipline records to its public database of uniformed officers, weeks after ProPublica revealed data reliability issues. But it also removed case numbers, making future oversight more difficult.
NYPD Restores Thousands of Missing Records but Removes Case Numbers From Its Discipline The department restored more than 2,000 missing discipline records to its public database of uniformed officers, weeks after ProPublica revealed data reliability issues. But it also removed case numbe...
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The entire genre of dancehall (more or less) came about when a reggae producer repurposed a "rock" beat he accidentally discovered on a casio kid's toy keyboard. People recently discovered the long-anonymous Japanese woman who programmed the beat was in fact a huge reggae fan and scholar.
Okuda Hiroko: The Casio Employee Behind the “Sleng Teng” Riddim that Revolutionized The “Sleng Teng” riddim revolutionized reggae music in the mid-1980s, and has spawned hundreds of versions in the decades since then. Less well known is the story of how the distinctive bassline origi...
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7/1/2024 will go down as one of the worst days in American history, and this is how the NYT website was covering it yesterday, under seven (7)(VII) articles about Biden's age.
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The Last Jedi is a great movie and is really resonating with me right now.
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In other Heritage Foundation news:
I sure hope all the Dems calling for Biden to step aside have gamed out the fuckery that the Heritage Foundation is planning