
As a gender historian, "doesn't talk back" has been on my list of "Top Five Things Men Want From a Female-Gendered AI" from the beginning. It's a constant in nearly every culture with surviving written records for the last 5,000 years....
"Mohammad Talha Saray...said they came up with the AI model five or six months ago as a brand ambassador for their jewelry e-commerce company because human influencers they approached cost too much $$$ and were too demanding. Saray said his AI avatar is cheaper, more flexible and doesn’t talk back."
Ohhh, say more re this cultural constant. I’ve often wondered, “was is something I said, but I didn’t say anything off?” Turns out, it was that they just didn’t want me taking back.
A great short source is Mary Beard's Women & Power, who notes that in Penelope's 1st appearance in the Odyssey, her teenage son tells her to shut up. Enheduanna, the world's first named author - told to be quiet. Murasaki: lots of silenced women. Sarah in the Mishnah.
Women & Power: A Manifesto a book by Mary At long last, Mary Beard addresses in one brave book the misogynists and trolls who mercilessly attack and demean women the world over, including, very often, Mary herself. In Women & Power, she t...
Judith Bennett’s History Matters also explains punctuated equilibrium, her theory that egalitarian advances are always answered with sexist backlashes resetting most of the status qui like gendered wage differentials in England from 1300-2000.
📌 this thread and thank you so much
Yeah, how dare those pesky women want to be paid for their labor. Or eat, or have bills to pay... Yeesh.
The ability to control female-presenting AI is often seen as a selling feature, which should tell us something about the patriarchal society we still live in.
Omg it’s true though! The prevalent VC tech bro attitude & hubris has been exactly like this, exactly Stepford Wives Dale Coba: It's nothing like you imagine, just a, another stage. Think about it like that, and there's nothing to it. Joanna Eberhart: Why? Dale Coba: Why? Because we can.
This reminds me of a line from an interview with a man who pays for sex. "I don't pay her to see me. I pay her to leave."
lol it's an apposite quote to this conversation, but this is an absolutely delusional thing to say about a sex worker
It’s only natural to want an obedient AI and it doesn’t matter what voice it has. If an AI does its job perfectly and never makes a mistake then I’m replacing every human with AI except the arts and creative works as AI isn’t creative. AI selling jewelry and making more money than humans is funny.