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Bluesky account for the Podcast Cyborg Goddess (Formerly Gender, Sex and Tech)

A Feminist Tech Podcast with host Jennifer Jill Fellows

(We aren't technophobes here, but it is complicated)
S3E2 of Cyborg Goddess out now! In this episode Jill talks to Rachel Katz about the possibilities and risks of AI-facilitated psychotherapy. Would you trust your mental health to AI? #feminism #psychotherapy #academicpodcast Check it out here:
Season 3 Episode 2: AI Facilitated Psychotherapy with Rachel Katz – Cyborg
By being absolutely horrid to trans people in our discipline, philosophy grad schools have unwittingly produced among the most talented public philosophers who can explain difficult, dense concepts in easy language. Watch here:
I Read The Most Misunderstood Philosopher in the See Dracula's Ex-Girlfriend here - Support this show on Patreon - MUSIC: 'Underwater' and 'Click Synth Soft Bell Piano' by Nina Richards BIBLIOGRAPHY: Sara Ahmed, The Cultural Politics of Emotion Lily Alexandre, Fear of Trans Bodies Lily Alexandre, The Feminist to Far-Right Pipeline Fran Amery, “Protecting Children in ‘Gender Critical’ Rhetoric and Strategy: Regulating Childhood for Cisgender Outcomes,” in Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies Mira Bellwether, F*****g Trans Women Talia Mae Bettcher, “Evil Deceivers and Make-Believers,” in Hypatia Haley Marie Brown, “The Forgotten Murders: Gendercide in the Twenty-First Century and the Destruction of the Transgender Body,” in Denial: The Final Stage of Genocide? Shelley Budgeon, “Identity as an Embodied Event,” in Body & Society Judith Butler, Excitable Speech Judith Butler, Gender Trouble Judith Butler, “Imitation and Gender Subordination” Judith Butler, Precarious Life Judith Butler, Who’s Afraid of Gender? Judith Butler, “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory,” in Theatre Journal Andrea Long Chu, “Freedom of Sex: The Moral Case for Letting trans Kids Change Their Bodies,” in The New Yorker Caelen Conrad, “Gender Critical: Conversion Therapy” Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex Julia Dauksza et al., “Salve Maria, Or Millions Made in Poland,” in VSquare Julia Dauksza et al., “The Golden Boys of Fatima,” in VSquare Julia Dauksza et al., “The Golden Lion Roars from Cracow,” in VSquare Petula Dvorak, “LGBTQ+ Teens Won A Grant for Their School. Adults Sent the Money Back.,” in The Washington Post Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality Agnieszka Graff and Elzbieta Korolczuk, Anti-Gender Politics in the Populist Moment Mauro Cabal Grinspan et al., “Exploring TERFnesses,” in Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies Virginia Guitzel, “Notes from Brazil,” in Transgender Marxism Sally Haslanger, “Feminism in Metaphysics,” in Resisting Reality Claire C.A. House, “‘I’m Real, Not You’: Roles and Discourse of Trans Exclusionary Women’s and Feminist Movements in Anti-Gender and Right-Wing Populist Politics,” in Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies Innuendo Studios, “Endnote 5: A Case Study in Digital Radicalisation” Eleanor Janega, The Once and Future Sex Julia Kristeva, "Woman Can Never Be Defined," trans. Marilyn A. August, in New French Feminism Harry Lambert, “Rosie Duffield: “You Never Change Sex”,” in The New Statesman Stephanie Mayer and Birgit Sauer, “‘Gender Ideology’ in Austria: Coalitions Around an Empty Signifier,” in Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe Michael Naas, “Comme si, comme ca,” in Derrida From Now On Leah Owen, “Parasitically occupying bodies: Exploring toxifying securitization in antitrans and genocidal ideologies,” in Peace Review Alison Rumfitt, Brainwyrms Julia Serano, Sexed Up Julia Serano, Whipping Girl Shaun, J.K. Rowling’s New Friends Shaun, Kelly Jay Keen and the Neo-Nazis Shaun, Palestine Laura J. Shepherd and Laura Sjoberg, “Trans-Bodies in/of War(s): Cisprivilege and Contemporary Security Strategy,” in Feminist Review C. Riley Snorton, Black on Both Sides Darin Tenev, “La Déconstruction en enfant: the Concept of Phantasm in the Work of Derrida” Monique Wittig, “One is Not Born A Woman” 00:00 - 02:31 Introduction 02:31 - 04:10 "I'm You From the Future" 04:10 - 10:15 Judith Butler and Performativity 10:15 - 10:42 "Just listen to me!" 10:42 - 20:33 Biology & Social Constructs 20:33 - 36:52 "Politics in the future gets weird!" 36:52 - 55:29 the Anti-Gender Movement 55:29 - 57:08 "The personal is political" 57:08 - 1:04:37 What can we do? 1:04:37 - 1:15:08 This is what we can do. #books #philosophy
Attn ….
As a gender historian, "doesn't talk back" has been on my list of "Top Five Things Men Want From a Female-Gendered AI" from the beginning. It's a constant in nearly every culture with surviving written records for the last 5,000 years....
S3E1 of Cyborg Goddess is out now! In the first episode of the 2024 season, Jill interviews Dr. Iqra Cheema about her edited collection of essays "The Other MeToos" which examines the #metoo movement and transnational feminism. Learn more here!
Cyborg Goddess – A Feminist Tech
New Cambridge Element on Feminist Philosophy of Science by Anke Bueter, free to download for the next two weeks:
Feminist Philosophy of Cambridge Core - Philosophy of Science - Feminist Philosophy of Science
"This is the unvarnished logic of OpenAI. It is cold, rationalist, and paternalistic. That such a small group of people should be anointed to build a civilization-changing technology is inherently unfair, they note. And yet they will carry on . . ."
OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire The Scarlett Johansson debacle is a microcosm of AI’s raw deal: It’s happening, and you can’t stop it.
Kind of incredible how easy it is to identify what he means by each of these
On the anniversary of Roger Moore’s death, let’s remember this lovely story about what a class act he was.
One of the toughest problems Microsoft has to solve is that Windows has to serve two very different types of users: business users who don't want this at all, and home users who don't want this at all.
When I say we're facing a crisis of autonomy this is it: Even high-profile people are fighting with tech for control over their own body and likeness, and that tech is very adjunct to the police and state and their combined surveillance apparatus and power to control individuals' bodies and futures
Scarlett Johansson has dealt with deepfakes, robots in her likeness, and now OpenAI mimicking her voice because she wouldn’t license it. She’s used to fighting these battles. The spotlight she casts on generative AI may finally prompt regulatory action.
Scarlett Johansson can’t escape tech OpenAI grabbing her voice is just the latest scandal that demands a regulatory response
"Fake studies have flooded the publishers of top scientific jrnls, ldg to 1000s of retractions and millions of $ in lost revenue. The biggest hit has come to Wiley, a 217-yo publisher,...which Tuesday will announce that it is closing 19 jrnls, some of which were infected by lg-scale rsch fraud."
Exclusive | Flood of Fake Science Forces Multiple Journal Wiley will announce that it will shutter 19 more journals, some tainted by fraud.
#Measles vaccine has been so successfully parents today have no memory of what it was like when the virus caused severe illness. Some fear it more than the disease. Emmi Herman is here to remind them with a story of a sister forever changed by measles encephalitis.
Measles is coming back. My sister Marcie isn' I wonder what my sister Marcie's life — and mine — would have been like if the measles vaccine had been available in 1960 and she never contracted the virus.
I have two papers to write by the end of June and one more that I need to research (in order to write it by the end of August). Was feeling a bit overwhelmed this morning, but I sat down, and the writing is actually. . . going really well?! (I probably just jinxed it!!) #amwriting #academiclife
This week The HPS Podcast are on mid-semester break! So, we have re-posted a favourite ep from Season 1 - Greg Radick on 'Counterfactuals in History of Science' What might biology be like if a different side had won early debates on genetics? Might we be less deterministic about our genes? #hps
Throwback Thursday - Greg Radick on 'Counterfactual History of Science' - The HPS Podcast - Conversations from History, Philosophy and Social Studies of This week the team at The HPS Podcast are taking a mid-semester break!To celebrate we are reposting one of our favourite episodes from Season 1 featuring Professor Greg Radick, a leading historian of ...
Conference CFP: Rethinking the Inevitability of AI: The Environmental and Social Impacts of Computing in Historical Context April 22, 2024: 300-500 word paper proposals due July 18, 2024: Date of online conference Submit your fabulous work!
"AI in the Classroom: Ethics, Academic Integrity, and Equity." Looking forward to presenting with this Wednesday 3-4:30 pm Eastern, hosted by the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition. Please join us (free)!
Tomorrow on HKHS Pod: we're sticking around Aotearoa and dipping into Māori culture with WHALE RIDER. Here's your YA BINGO
"The event organizers apparently used AI to generate promotional images which suggested a very high-quality attraction that looked just like the immersive and trippy Wonka-esque world that the ad copy promised. But the result was somewhat different. . ." 🤣💀
Willy Wonka Immersive Event Leaves Kids in Tears: “It Looks Like a Meth Lab” What was billed as an immersive experience seemingly inspired by Willy Wonka movies turned into the Fyre Fest of unofficial movie tie-ins.
Submission deadline in less than a week for this online conference on Technologies & Feminist Thought! 500-700 word abstracts, due Feb. 29; conference is June 6-7.
There's about a month left to submit your abstract for the FEMMSS workshop this summer. Please share widely!!
Less than a week left to submit! Please share widely!
There's about a month left to submit your abstract for the FEMMSS workshop this summer. Please share widely!!