
As someone attuned to subtler forms of sexism in writing, it's also really hard not to read Roberts' tone as "Those Lady Justices - so emotional! So anxious & hysterical! We Cool Considerate Men are acting from Reason and Farsight in a way that silly impulsive women of color just can't understand."
It's not the worst of it, but what I may be actually angriest about (right now) is Roberts' smarmy smugness and dismissiveness in the final two paragraphs of section IV and the whole of section V. "Fear mongering," "extreme hypotheticals," "our perspective must be more farsighted," and this.
Fun fact: Richard Nixon tried repeatedly on both Broadway & Hollywood to use his Presidential influence to get "Cool Considerate Men" struck from the musical 1776 b/c he believed it was anti-GOP, & Jack Warner cooperated & struck it from the movie until 2002. Now Nixon could imprison Peter Hunt.
It's very right-coded to say KBJ isn't smart enough to be on the court, but ACB is. I mean, come on.
If you read Roberts' opinion he's also clearly critiquing ACB's concurrence.
I'm not denying he doesn't like or care about women or think them his equals. I was agreeing with you that he has special contempt for women who don't at least sort of agree with him politically, and all the more so for WOC.