Jacob T. Levy

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Jacob T. Levy


Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory, Chair of Political Science, Associate member of Philosophy, Coordinator of Research Group on Constitutional Studies, McGill.
Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center.
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So, Reform has won Boston & Skeksis and the Conservatives lost Nelwyn Frampton. The Sackville-Bagginses have yet to speak.
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I'm still bullish on the US vs the UK long term, but as an aside, I'll gladly take "we pretend to give this guy total authority but if he tries to use it we'll chop HM Royal Head off again" over "the president is immune from all the crimes, as long as he's abusing his official power during them."
After 41 years I have finally watched The Big Chill so AMA anything about why Boomers are the way they are. (Because they're terrible. It's because they're terrible.) (But what a stacked overpowered cast, with Kasdan dialogue, and one of the greatest movie soundtracks ever.)
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/2 Now really looking forward to them covering the slow-motion car crash that is July 1914 which is an absolutely terrifying story of our inability to stop terrible things from happening
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Listening to The Rest is History’s new series on the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and it’s as good as I hoped. Humanizes the guy, reveals the shitbirdery of his family and Hapsburg colleagues, and also explains why his assassination saved millions of birds.
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Penny Mordaunt, the Conservative whose name sounds the most like a villain in a YA fantasy novel, has lost her seat. Or riding. Or perhaps fallen off a horse, and jolly good that, too.
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It’s maddening to see skepticism of ejecting Biden treated like cultish loyalty. Some of us have been out here saying Biden’s too old for years. The problem is that what is being proposed is a shocking, almost unheard-of remedy, and every historic precedent tells us it’ll end in catastrophe.
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I searched the New York Times for "Trump"
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Extremely frustrating to hear legal experts analyzing the SCOTUS ruling on immunity like just another case - it's an inherently normalizing act. People need to stop playing constitutional Calvinball and treat them like political actors.
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I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
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From what I can glean, Bolsonaro being charged with "criminal association" is basically the Brazilian version of saying he did the RICO.
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To reiterate a point I just made in a response: There is a lot of evidence suggesting Trump is incapable of being president--regardless of what you think of his politics. We know from last term he doesn't read, doesn't process information well, and has an incredibly short daily work window...1/
It is good and normal for Joe Biden to sleep like an 81-year old, and he's a better president 6 hours a day than Trump was for the 17 minutes a day that he paid attention to anything and the other 12 hours that he was awake doing stupid crap. But still, "needs more sleep" is a disastrous message.
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I don’t know how to explain to our nation’s top editorial boards that the Democratic Party is an actual organization with a lot of rules and history to it, not just a store that distributes team jerseys, and it has already selected delegates to its nominating convention.
Cannot emphasize enough how pathetic these editorial boards are revealing themselves to be.
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Goddamn it it’s a great 5 minutes for other countries doing things that we ought to but can’t.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
Democracy dies in obsessively spotlighting stupid stuff.
The teleprompter is a common device for politicians. But President Biden’s use of it even in small settings has prompted frustration by some listeners.
Biden’s omnipresent accessory, even in your living room: A teleprompterwapo.st The teleprompter is a common device for politicians. But Biden’s use of it even in small settings has prompted frustration by some listeners.
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Trump: Biden has to be in bed by 8pm but I promise to America I will sleep 3 hours a night in order to fit in the amount of raping stealing and murdering we need to get done to fix this country NYT : Trump promises a robust presidential ambition
If wishes were horses etc etc but I surely would like to see the LibDems beat the Tories and become the official opposition.
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"According to Nixon aide John Dean, “the new ruling, in effect, decriminalizes Nixon’s conduct during the Watergate scandal.” donmoynihan.substack.com/p/strongman-...
For no reason at all I've found myself thinking about John Dean's August 16, 1971 Nixon administration memorandum entitled “DEALING WITH OUR POLITICAL ENEMIES." Presumably such memos have now been deemed totally legal and cool by the Supreme Court.
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Moral of the story: your teens are also concerned about what misinformation YOU have encountered on the World Wide Web.
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I came to my 14 year old with a concern about social media. He literally took his glasses off, rubbed his temples, and asked: “what have the moms on the internet said now?” 😯🫤😆
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Want my job? Here's your chance. (I'm taking a sort of phased retirement, starting by standing down from the Chair. Will be teaching and supervising as before at least for next year.) my.corehr.com/pls/uoxrecru...
Job Detailsmy.corehr.com
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"Like the Jim Crow-era decisions, the immunity ruling ignores both the plain text of the Constitution and the historical evidence...to embolden those who believe that might makes right." My latest, on Trump v. U.S and the Reconstruction amendments, for MSNBC: www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnb...
Opinion | The Supreme Court’s immunity ruling has a chilling parallel to the Jim Crow erawww.msnbc.com The spirit and reasoning of the majority in Trump v. U.S. evokes the worst of post-Civil War jurisprudence.
on the one hand, all the horrors the internet has wrought. On the other, @xkcd.com . xkcd.com/2954/
Bracket Symbolsxkcd.com
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Here's "the Farmer's" language. "Secrecy, vigor & despatch are not the principal properties reqd. in the Executive. Important as these are, that of responsibility is more so, which can only be perceived by leaving it singly to discharge its functions." [RFC 1: 140 for scholars].