
It’s actually impressive how university administrators have consistently managed to escalate the situation on seemingly every damn campus. The semester is practically over. All they had to do was respect their students and wait.
What’s also notable, I think, is that the situation *hasn’t* seemed to escalate at the campuses where administrators have chosen not to escalate it
Local to me the situation at Pitt has been fine the whole time and they graduated Sunday so a bunch of them just left on their own. The hyped admins are choosing the climate of conflict.
And places like GW in DC where DC Police, used to protests, refused to remove encampments because, you know, using police is not always the best idea.
Lots of people have said it already, but when the police think you're being too authoritarian, you might be the problem.
That's pretty much always true. I had been to dozens of anti police brutality marches, over decades, and only the one where the cops opened fire into the crowd turned into weeks of wide spread protests and the national guard called out
Remarkable how that works, huh?
yeah! plus I think it bears repeated mention that so far the American anti-war movement has been incredibly successful (though not as much as everyone wants) the pro-war folks wanted to join a ground invasion and start a nuclear war, no joke, and neither has happened yet