

Will this one stick?
I just keep thinking about Bisan's feet. That feeling of sore blistered feet and no chance of rest, it's so visceral. I can think about it in a way I can't bear to think about the thirsty, hungry babies and the deaths.
Reposted by Rosa
Visiting my parents and my husband is setting up their TV. They think he is a wizard in general but this only cements it.
Shout-out to the driver on Comp tonight who was parked in the bike lane but then decided to pull out of the bike lane while I was going around them in the shared lane. At least they did it slowly and cautiously so they didn't hit me.
Reposted by Rosa
Yesterday after I got into too many arguments here about traffic cameras, I drove past the place Philando Castile was murdered. Then past a ghost bike. Then through an intersection where the police routinely park a surveillance and deterrence tower.
I think I'm having a midlife crisis
The dog was very sad that we moved away from Lake Street and it's array of dropped food, but now it's food truck season she's learning to appreciate downtown
Feeling really sad about my dad today
If your dream came true, would you want it still?
If you're double parked, or parked in a no parking area, or parked in a bike lane, and the bus side swiped your car, you're at fault and the city insurance shouldn't cover you.
No More Names - there shouldn't be enough mothers for a movement.
So rainy I fully expected the Catbus to come.
Oliverspeaks1 on IG was talking about how to spell special and it made me think of this clip and why "jaunty apocalypse" is my favorite vibe.
For real nothing makes my day like a bus driver noticing me running late and waiting for me
Spring and what's left of the hippies return from old rooming houses and Mexico. More letters, more journals, more poems to burn; Real heat at last. At last my words glow.
Oh yay I found the task I forgot about
Reposted by Rosa
A reminder that the protests are happening because there's an ongoing Israeli genocide. Ongoing. Dozens of people murdered a day. People are STILL GOING STARVING. There are over 10,000 people currently being tortured in Israeli prisons.
Got on the bus just before it started raining. Feels like a big win
A coworker just asked me this and I cannot remember - how do you win at sardines?
I forgot how much I love the bus. There is a full on dirty clown on my commute home and they are gorgeous
Missed my bus by one minute. I really need to get my bike commute figured out.
How many of the empty nesters squatting on 4br houses are just there because selling a house is so much damn work?
Minneapolis - what is the procession going down Bloomington Ave right now? Led by a white horse carriage with no casket, then a bunch of cars of ladies in pink suits, then cars of dudes mostly in suits. Honking, cheering.
Learning is exhausting. I would like to have a period of no growth soon, please
Whittier Park Free Market is happening this Saturday! It will be warm and dry and we personally are trying to give away a bunch of camping gear!
I was just having qualms over moving into an apartment and then we got to shovel 3" of heavy wet snow