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Nonprofit and philanthropoid. Big fan of democracy, equity, and a livable planet.
If you have to drive around on a rainy afternoon in spring when the cherry trees are glowing pink through the gray mist and you don’t listen to Taylor Swift’s “Cardigan” on repeat, what are you even doing?
Avatar is my favorite podcast and I just need to thank and Peter for arming me against this nonsense when it pops up on my timeline
Absolutely delighted that my search for “macy’s corn” has yielded many results. I think this app might actually have what it takes to replace the bird.
Demanding "no monkey pushing" and no lessons about fossil fuels that might "cast the oil-and-gas industry in a bad light," Texas education commissars move to block science textbooks from eight publishers—🎁:
Texas Rejects Science Textbooks Over Climate Change, Evolution Some publishers edited materials to win the Texas state education board’s approval
My husband’s greeting to our cat, as she sat wide-eyed and upright in the middle of the kitchen floor: “Good morning. What bullshit are you on today?” 😂 Truly the best way to greet a cat.
Very much ready to give the old bird app the bird. But still waiting to see some of my go-to sources show up over here. Where you at, Senator Chris Murphy??
Reposted byAvatar anya
The platform failed spectacularly, with misinformation proliferating as paid verified accounts spread misleading videos, a doctored photo, and other misinformation. Accounts impersonated a news outlet and another official entity, and Musk himself endorsed accounts that spread misinformation.
Musk’s X allows misinformation about Hamas’ war on Israel to As the terrorist organization Hamas launched surprise attacks on Israel, Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter) had its first test amid a global crisis. The platform failed spectacularly, with misinformat...
Reposted byAvatar anya
I honor Indigenous People today, not invented narratives. We should not celebrate those who advanced colonialism, genocide, rape and slavery.
Reposted byAvatar anya
Reposted byAvatar anya
Reposted byAvatar anya
Health spending per capita (x axis) & life expectancy (y axis) in OECD countries (lines = averages). One country sits alone in the bottom right quadrant due to its much higher spending and below-average life expectancy. More:
Reposted byAvatar anya
Reposted byAvatar anya
This is: 1) An article of my recent Bluesky posts, so be careful out there. 2) Very weird, and seems to shame me for disclosing that I have depression.
A delightful surprise to see I have two invite codes. I used one very wisely. And now will proceed to stress out and overthink what to do with the next/last one.
Reposted byAvatar anya
The former editor of the Washington Post says: Not the odds, but the stakes. "The party that now levels evidence-free charges of 'weaponization' of government openly boasts of how it would weaponize government against its perceived enemies."
Say no more, my friend
*inhale* *exhale*. Ahh. That’s better. Happy to be here.
End of feed.