
It’s a damn shame that search engines let accessibility overlay companies buy space higher up than credible/relevant accessibility sources. I shouldn’t have an overlay show up when I search “WCAG” related terms.
For me it's not even just 'showing up,' acc*ssiBe (cursed be their name), is showing up as the #1 slot. Google can talk a big game about accessibility, but they clearly prioritize money over all else.
I'm curious how this happens and why it's permitted. There has to be some sort of protocol around these issues with search engine teams, right?
If it's one of the 'sponsored' results, it's just pay-to-show, higher bid giving a higher spot. Unfortunately unsurprising that for-profit companies can easily outbid the W3C (who... honestly probably don't even *do* advertising or have a budget for it)
I report it as a scam every time. And then I reference