
Portland here I come! I'll be tomorrow night, which is the day my book officially comes out! Come out to say hi, get a book, or just bask in the glow of this iconic bookstore.
People of Portland, Oregon! My book tour starts inside you next week! On June 4, 7pm, at I'll be in conversation with OPB's Dave Miller about my book "Stories Are Weapons," a history of psychological warfare in the U.S. Join us!
Have a terrific launch! Was looking forward to posting photos of my copy, but it got delivered TO THE WRONG HOUSE and I haz no idea where it is (yet).
POWELLS! I did so enjoy day-tripping there when I lived in SEA.
So sorry I can't make it. Really wanted to get down there, but I am in a game design pit! I hope it goes fantastically and I can't wait to read the book!