
We don't have a crisis of attendance. We have a society-wide mental health crisis. We have a crisis of mass disablement. We have a cost of living crisis. Attendance is a symptom. Individual-level positive & negative incentives to get students to class solve nothing on their own.
We had this unfruitful discussion at my uni and students repeatedly said that the number 1 reason they were absent from class without a doctor‘s note was changes in schedule and having to work. Oftentimes the uni would change its schedule after publishing it and students couldn’t switch work shifts!
I was a school avoider back in the 90s and it's so frustrating seeing people act like all these issues must be completely new. They just weren't looking before.
I don't record attendance, it's up to my students to decide how they learn best. I skipped mornings my last year of (high) school because I needed sleep and double physics was the primary casualty (hated the classes). Physics teacher wrote "never been more happy to be more wrong" when I got an A.😎