Anna Tarkov

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Anna Tarkov

Writer who doesn’t write. Bundist organizer interested in immigration justice, anti-Zionism, disability justice, anti-racism, abolition, and more. Also motorsport & 📱games. Soviet-era Jew. Mom to autistic cutie. She/Her
I don’t know if there’s a god, but every time a bug flies in my nose, I would really like to speak to the manager 😜😂
So many people have social anxiety or anxiety in general and I think it got worse during the pandemic If you’re an organizer, how are you addressing this in your spaces and how are you bringing people into the work who have a hard time going to things in person, etc?
Apparently there are no fewer than three comedians who host Palestine-centered podcasts. I just hope they’re also doing something else besides that.
TIL that I still know all the words to Disarm since they put it at the end of the last episode of The Bear
I’m real glad everyone listened to me and stopped consuming corporate news in 2016
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This is a good moment not to post incredibly stupid shit as if nothing has any consequences.
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We’re going to see US politicians put out more statements about Trump getting chipped by a piece of glass than 200,000 Palestinians being massacred.
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Some people are marks and you don't have to be one. Rightwingers DO NOT believe that violence is not warranted. They believe that only they should be able to wield it.
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Any increase in political violence is bound to disproportionately hurt the left.
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Double down on your solidarity networks right now. Create a safety plan. Stop fucking talking about whether this was staged or not. It actually doesn’t matter.
We will not be out of danger even if Trump does not win the election. We could, in fact, be in more danger if that happens.
I came here for the sober takes and I have been somewhat disappointed. So I will give you mine. Whether it was a real assassination attempt or not, this is only the beginning of an escalation of stochastic violence that we will see leading up to the election and after it as well.
I came here for the sober takes and I have been somewhat disappointed. So I will give you mine. Whether it was a real assassination attempt or not, this is only the beginning of an escalation of stochastic violence that we will see leading up to the election and after it as well.
Capitalism has gone too far
Do you ever stop to think about the fact that a lot of Democratic messaging tries to call on poor and working class Republicans to vote more in their own economic self-interest? For 1,000 points, can anyone tell me why this is a losing strategy? (there is more than one correct answer)
It’s always “funny” to me how white men will be a fan of some tech douchebro or other white guy & then “suddenly” he becomes a racist or a misogynist and now they have to re-evaluate their support of him. When really he was like that all along. You just couldn’t see it cause he looks like you.
Avatar David, HELLO, I’m listening to you on and I’m you new biggest fan 😁
I have to give some credit to Liberty Media, they tend to get people who are at least able to give a fuller picture: This isn’t as good as it could be, but at least it talks about Lewis as a human being, which is EASY TO DO; he is very open about his feelings #F1
How 945 days of blood, sweat and tears paid off for Lewis Hamilton produced one of the finest performances of his F1 career with a virtuoso drive to victory in Sunday’s British Grand Prix – one that not only ended a drought of almost 1,000 days and set...
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It's extremely noticeable. People can't just admit that Hamilton is one of the greatest, if not *the* greatest, drivers of all time, but will find any excuse to not give him the credit he deserves.
I hope everyone is paying close attention to the way people STILL talk about Lewis vs. other drivers. Oscar was owed the P3 last year in Silverstone, you’ll still hear this, but Lewis got “lucky” to get the P1 this year because McLaren screwed up their strategy. #F1
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like we all watched this man run a set of inters until they became slicks to win at istanbul park! heck max even gets credit for his qually lap in saudi THAT HE DIDNT EVEN COMPLETE and nobody ever mentions lewis' equally impressive qually lap from singapore that one year
It’s really unfortunate that a lot of the people who cover sports don’t understand the athletes they cover AT ALL Like, they don’t understand them as human beings and this is essential IMO
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When Max is praised, people are always falling all over themselves to credit him, not just the car. When Lewis was winning, it was all the car, right? #F1
I hope everyone is paying close attention to the way people STILL talk about Lewis vs. other drivers. Oscar was owed the P3 last year in Silverstone, you’ll still hear this, but Lewis got “lucky” to get the P1 this year because McLaren screwed up their strategy. #F1
I hope everyone is paying close attention to the way people STILL talk about Lewis vs. other drivers. Oscar was owed the P3 last year in Silverstone, you’ll still hear this, but Lewis got “lucky” to get the P1 this year because McLaren screwed up their strategy. #F1
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“I can’t stop crying” —Lewis MOTHERFUCKING Hamilton I can’t stop crying either 😭 #F1
Lando in part fermé looks like someone died 🫥 #F1