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Tar Heel. Tree Hugger. Animal Lover. Plant-Based.
Community Gardener. Pro-democracy.

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#WeekAforArt #AlphabetChallenge Eiffel Tower Robert Delaunay, 1924 Saint Louis Art Museum
At 7 am this morning, I went to an organic farm to pick blackberries. It was very humid but not extremely hot yet, and the bushes were so loaded that it only took 30 minutes to pick two lbs. Picked a few peaches too. Another heat warning today but we might have more normal July temps next week. 🍑
Reposted byAvatar AnneA
Rare event! Competing heat domes in the Southeast and Southwest US crank out two huge all-time record highs. Palm Springs 124 and Raleigh=Durham 106 with a heat index of 118! Las Vegas is forecast to break their all-time high this weekend and even Death Valley may come close.
And it’s only July. I’m trying not to think about August.
Cloud Chamber for the Trees and Sky Chris Drury, British NC Museum of Art, Raleigh #WeekAforArt It looks like a hobbit house, but it's really a big pinhole camera. You go in, shut the door, let your eyes adjust, and then you see the sky and the trees on the walls and the floor. So cool. 💙
So it looks like Larry the Cat will get a new and improved housemate at 10 Downing Street. Happy for him! Sing to the tune of "My Way." :)
#WeekAforArt #AlphabetChallenge Cartoonist/illustrator Jesse Duquette~
Good morning! Here’s the early morning chorus in my yard. The hawk was loud but the Carolina Wren was the loudest. #birds #MerlinSoundID
There are two colors of Beebalm growing in the pollinator flowerbeds at my community garden. I don’t know the names, but one is scarlet red and the other leans towards purple. There were so many bumblebees on them this morning and a few butterflies too. 🌱
Goddess of the Eno River created by Paperhand Puppet Intervention in the Handmade Parade in Hillsborough, NC. #WeekAforArt #AlphabetChallenge
This whole “When they go low, we go high” thing isn’t really working out very well.
Artist unknown. This was in a show of public school elementary age student artwork at a shopping mall here in NC. #WeekAforArt
Avatar Jean, these are very similar to the ones you are growing that were started by your mom. I found these growing wild in a field. Rudbeckia hirta. 🌱
Good morning! We have an 80% chance of getting a half inch of rain this afternoon, our first rainfall since June 5. It’s coming with storms and wind, but I don’t care. Before it gets here, the Heat Index will rise to 110 degrees. Photo shows a sky that I hope to see soon. 🙏🌧 #SkySunday
A tomato display at the farmers market this morning. I want to try Gin Fizz but didn’t have time to stand in the very long line at this booth. Hope they have more when this early season tomato mania calms down. 🍅
#FeatheredFriday Fledglings I’ve seen so far this year in my yard: House Finch, Mourning Dove, Red-shouldered Hawk, Northern Cardinal, and American Crow.
Reposted byAvatar AnneA
Let’s have a real debate. How should cats wear pants? A or B?
Reposted byAvatar AnneA
i ain’t a-watchin’. a stupid nation deserves what it gets. i’m out. #dailyhaiku
I cut the cord and don’t get CNN, so I couldn’t watch even if I wanted to, which I don’t. 🙂
Good morning. We broke a heat record yesterday. Some clouds moved in last night and we’ll only get into the low 90’s today. We need some rain! 🌧
Reposted byAvatar AnneA
My 1st Peregrine Falcon rescue, at a federal gov building in Washington, DC. It'll recover; the appropriate DC/USFWS officials with Peregrine Falcon permits will band/renest this chick in several days. #peregrinefalcon
#WildlifeWednesday Through the window a few minutes ago. She drank every drop and was licking the bowl. I just went out and refilled it.
Reposted byAvatar AnneA
Happy #WaterWednesday Reflections in Brussels
Avatar Hey SB, here are the field peas growing in the garden next to mine. First photo was June 9 (trellis still visible) and the next was today (trellis is covered and they are growing out into the walkway). The variety is Red Ripper and they just started blooming this week! 🌱
Thanks Natalie for telling us what day it is! #CatWorldDominationDay
I did not realize that it’s #CatWorldDominationDay. The world would be a much better place under feline rule. #cats #humor Credit: Cole & Marmalade