Teresa Traver/Anne Rollins

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Teresa Traver/Anne Rollins


Picture books published as "Teresa Traver." Regency romance & fantasy romance published as "Anne Rollins." Academic, parent, writer. AuDHD. (she/her) Debut romance THE SOLITARY ROSE out now! https://linktr.ee/teresatraver
Look, I've actually got a snippet for #WIPweds! (That doesn't always happen.) Today's word is "sharp," and this is from my current WIP, another Regency fantasy. #historicalromance #fantasyromance
Happy #FridayKiss day! Today's snippet from my werewolf romance is a little NSFW.
The release of SECRETS AT SELWYN CASTLE is less than two months away. Can't wait to introduce everyone to Richard and Ivy! #historicalromance #sweetromance You can Preorder now: www.amazon.com/dp/B0D1DS2QB7
Looking at #RomancingtheVote current stats and you can still talk to acclaimed and groundbreaking romance author Beverly Jenkins for $250, but her annotated book is clocking in at $1300? Seems like it should be the other way? #Romancelandia www.32auctions.com/organization...
Chat with Ms. Bevwww.32auctions.com Auction item 'Chat with Ms. Bev' hosted online at 32auctions.
It's Friday, and that means #FridayKiss! For this week's word, the best I could do was the leads from my werewolf romance in the middle of a big argument.
What I'm researching today: the age when people commonly need "reading glasses." Answer: 41-60 years old. In other words, about the age when I (a far-sighted person) needed progressive lenses for reading fine print!
Happy #FridayKiss day! I've got a longer snippet than usual today, from my sweet Regency Romance, DISCOVERY AT DOGWOOD COTTAGE.
"The Duke of Bedworth was known for hosting exclusive entertainments, and tonight’s starlight ball was no exception. Instead of holding the ball at one of the assembly places in Town, the duke and duchess had invited the ton to their villa in Richmond." #WIPsnips #RegencyRomance
Walter Haworth, of my current WIP, is angry at the unknown criminal who defrauded an orphanage. But I don't know if it would be fair to say that the emotion of anger is driving his investigation of the crime. That might have more to do with his sense of justice. #LateNightWrite
#LateNightWrite We talked about pride last week. Tonight let's talk wrath. How often does anger or spite feature as a driving force in your stories, or as a personal motivation to write something into a story? Quote or reply below using the hashtag!
I'm not sure if this quite counts, but there's certainly snobbery and class-related prejudice. Some of the characters in my current WIP are "old money," having inherited landed estates, and some are "new money," used to having to work for a living. #LateNightWrite
#LateNightWrite Are there any long standing feuds or lasting resentments between certain groups of people in your setting? Do these conflicts bear any significance to the plot? Quote or reply below using the hashtag!
Great question. Hester may not *hate* anyone, but she's resentful of her former sweetheart, who jilted her for a wealthier bride, then left Hester in a scandalous scandalous situation. At this point, though, she controls her temper by entirely avoiding the ex. #LateNightWrite
#LateNightWrite Do your main characters hate anyone? Are they resentful or spiteful? How well are they able to control their temper? Quote or reply below using the hashtag!
What I'm researching today: trees commonly found in British churchyards. Answer: Yew trees, associated with immortality. Some of them are more than 1,000 years old! www.plant-lore.com/plantofthemo...
Churchyard yews | Plant-Lorewww.plant-lore.com
#romantasy fans, take note!
It's Pride Month, yay! So here's a thread of some of my books with LGBTQ+ characters. Upcoming: Wooing the Witch Queen! (This queen is bi; her new ally Ailana is lesbian & is will enter a marriage of convenience with a most inconvenient wife in Book 3.) books2read.com/wooingthewitchqueen (1/5)
Worst Ronin just received its second ⭐️ This book is so much about no longer craving institutional support and approval, but also I still like compliments so this ⭐️ is very well received. 🥷⚔️💨
okay. I guess I have to do this. Hello! I'm C. L. Polk. I'm a fantasy writer, and I'm here today to tell you that I need money. (oh god I need money) You can help! There's two main ways you can help - immediate cash now, investing in royalties later. Here we go!
Today I learned about the West Africa Squadron, whose mission was to catch slave traders after the 1807 Slave Trade Act. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Af...
West Africa Squadron - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org
I've taken to keeping a copy of the 1662 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER at my desk. It's very convenient for when I need to look up the wording for the marriage service or burial service. Could I look that up online? Of course, but it somehow seems more real in print. #historicalromance
Oh cool interim president of my uni who is only the interim president b/c the actual president was forced to resign sent an email saying faculty and staff who support student protestors will have their “roles and responsibilities reviewed.” Definitely no violations of academic freedom to see here.