
here’s a fucking marker: biden does not step down, trump loses. make your arguments against it, but that’s the baseline you would expect if you don’t read the times and the atlantic writers shitting their pants in public. show your work, and i will show mine.
Quick in the weeds question: how many states have abortion referenda on ballot in November? I know that Nevada and Arizona do (two swing states). What others? That’s relevant to Biden’s chances in ways the NYT rarely if ever engages.
Florida does. I don't know if that will be enough to swing Florida back to Biden - I really don't - but abortion is on the ballot here in November, and Trump's margin of victory wasn't that large - 3.4 in 2020; 1.2 in 2016. It might happen.
That would be glorious. πŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸ™πŸŒŠπŸŒŠ