
every time I see someone complain about unions I think about how unions were the consensus alternative to the previous system of burning the factory owner alive inside his house
Not making any threats here, just thinking out loud as a historian — do they people brazenly pushing for impunity for the wealthy elites not know what traditionally comes next?
They really juat don't teach labor history here at all. Nothing about armed standoff between Union members and armed "security," nothing about the beatings, and certainly nothing that might give anyone ideas on how to deal with rich assholes who think they're above consequences. 🤷‍♂️
The fact that in the US I didn't learn about the labor dispute that the international labor day commemorates, even though it happened in the US, and the fact that we don't celebrate that labor day really gives away the game imo
Freshman year at Eastern MI I was like "I've always loved history classes, and my whole family's been union people, so lemme check out this labor history stuff here" only to be constantly like "WHY DIDNT THEY TEACH US THIS BEFORE?!. aaaaaaagh"