Rutger K.

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Rutger K.

Friendly, non-threatening rewriter of medieval history. Operates out of the Low Countries. Purveyor of Fine Puns.
"Forty Plus TONIC for MEN and WOMEN of MIDDLE AGE and over" #MedievalSky
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#openaccessmiddleages Alexandra Kaar, Wirtschaft, Krieg und Seelenheil. Papst Martin V., Kaiser Sigismund und das Handelsverbot gegen die Hussiten in Böhmen (2020). Link: Alexandra Kaar, Wirtschaft, Krieg und Seelenheil. Papst Martin V., Kaiser Sigismund und das Handelsverbot gegen die Hussiten in Böhmen (2020). Link: #medieval
Perfect bliss doesn't exi...
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every day I feel like I'm losing my mind as people look at a statistically tied race where one guy is a felon with deeply unpopular positions who ALREADY LOST THIS EXACT RACE and are like "he is 100% for sure going to win"
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The attempted assassination of Donald Trump does not erase the crimes that Trump himself has committed against American democracy, or the crimes he would commit if given the chance, and no one is obligated to pretend otherwise
Nothing About the Attempted Assassination Redeems This crime does not erase what the former president has done, or what he has promised to do.
...when suddenly BAM! EARLY MEDIEVAL CHURCH just sitting there minding its own business (St. Laurence, in Bradford-on-Avon). Allegedly built by Aldhelm, it probably dates from the tenth century but THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH.
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Vance is a Theil-backed bag of shit in a man suit. But Teen Vogue went ahead and did an explainer on all the reasons why. (And is it just me or does he look like a colorized Bela Lugosi character here?)
Every Gen Z Issue JD Vance Is From guns, and climate change to abortion and LGBTQ rights, the Republican VP is being called “Anti-Gen Z.”
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Sure yes Salisbury Cathedral is nice I guess but the REAL highlight of the town is St. Thomas, with its spectacular 15c fresco of the Last Judgement (with Rainbow-Friendly Christ), its intact medieval ceiling, and of course its oversized organ.
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At Farley Hungerford Castle: come for the picturesque* ruins, stay for the 15c Saint George fresco, the 17c cherbubs and clouds, and the 18c lead coffins with lifelike death masks (impossible to properly photograph). * forgot to take a picture
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The simmering rage against tech is partly because what they are doing is impeding the really cool shit that happens online. The internet rocks, I have made incredible friendships online that have lasted 15+ years, built a business, made art, and I hate how badly they've hurt being online.
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The scariest thing about the puberty blockers ban court case is how it lays bare the premise of the Cass review and the government’s interpretation of it as seeing a child going on to be trans in adulthood as an undesirable outcome classified as a Risk
Hey look they're giving away Jordan Peterson books
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Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
Never quite realised that Hloþhere is just good ol' Lotharius in Latin so this lead plaque at Saint Augustine's Abbey had me confused for a hot minute.
I had an idea for a book and now I have two ideas for one book each. This isn't going well.
I'd say it was when we went wireless.
if i had to pinpoint the beginning of the internet's long decline i would say it's when "search-engine optimisation" became a thing burying the worthwhile beneath the profitable has been the death knell of every industry ever
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if i had to pinpoint the beginning of the internet's long decline i would say it's when "search-engine optimisation" became a thing burying the worthwhile beneath the profitable has been the death knell of every industry ever
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yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
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My cover has been released!! I love it soooooo much!
In retrospect, going to Canterbury to escape the constant barrage of medieval at the #IMC2024 was a mistake.
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Together with Mariana Bodnaruk and Michael Eber I’m organising a conference on „Trans Sainthood in Translation, c. 400-1500“ @ghilondon next May. You can find the CfP below! Please feel free to share with anyone who might be interested (and maybe isn’t on this platform)! 👇👇👇
Remake a movie with Shrek and make it better Tinker Tailor Soldier Shrek
Remake a movie with Shrek and make it better ShreXXXine
Using Closed Captioning for a talk on Icelandic Sagas but the program turns "sagas" into "suckers" and "Icelandic" into "Islamic"... the algorithm might need some more work... 😬
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On my way to Leeds for another year of medievalist shenanigans. If you're around and interested please do come to our panel on classics in crisis/crisis in classics on Wednesday morning!
I'm in the nosiest train carriage with the worst behaved kids and I quietly thank our good lord for the invention of the WH-1000XM4.